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Salisbury Plain?


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
Anyone keen for a day out at the plain? Open to date suggestions.
Sounds like a fine idea, what sort of dates do you have in mind?
What about either the W/E 21st or the W/E 27th?
I am doing a few mods to the truck (with Jon's help) and would welcome a chance of a bit of a shake down
Cool, those dates are non rugby weekends too.
yeah sounds good, should have my lift sorted by then....
looks like i wont be able to make 27th weekend
Defo interested but need to check with my social secretary.... :oops:
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21st then?

Arn't the boys in green covering the place at the mo though, Ecky and Tommo are the best to ask, have they been served notice from TLOC UK by anyone yet?
well if the plains are being used by the MOD is there anywhere else we can go?
Busaboy said:
21st then?

Arn't the boys in green covering the place at the mo though, Ecky and Tommo are the best to ask, have they been served notice from TLOC UK by anyone yet?

If you have their details, please ask ;)

Sorry - Can't make 21st :( Boss's b-day...
Shoot, man - I'm working that weekend too!!!!

Time to get a life :cry:

I'm finally here. I will see Tommo this weekend and hopefully we can find out whats happening on the Plain towards the end of the month.
He knows about the new site but doesn't have access to internet until he gets home.
Hey guys,
Either date is good for me I will bring the usual burners for lunch but we will have to decide which part of the world the food is coming from for this one :lol: :lol: Rob your mums lamb was v nice last time and Paul I think may have some Jerky left :D What were those burgers.......Ostrich and ??

Ostrich and Springbok :cool:

By the way, we dont have to go on a sunday, just a thought
So depending on the date and what-not I should be able to come along....

And somewhere I have a Skottelbraai... for those that don't know what that is, here's a pic:

Back to dates, could we agree on a date as i may be able to be flexible but i need to know within the next couple of days or so...