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TrackExplorer v2 available

Jon Wildsmith

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
I've sometimes referred to having my own mapping software running on my car PC but not been in a position to share it, or at least there's been no point sharing it because the only maps it worked with couldn't be shared due to copyright reasons. I've been fiddling with this software on and off for a long time now and more recently I've made it work with other map formats like tiff/jpg with world files and the older none encrypted MemoryMap QCT files and plan to add others when I get hold of them. I've also converted some of the Ordnance Survey Open Data maps into a format TE can use so it might be of some use to others now.

16MB TE installer for pretty much any version of Windows that has DirectX9.
Track Explorer v2.26

An index of the free OS OpenData maps that I've converted so far.

If you have a Wayfinder account you can download information directly into Track Explorer.

Have a play, or not, it's free.
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What do you mean by operate it. Have you installed it? Does it run? There are many answers to that question so lets narrow it down a bit ;)
nice software, simple to use and great uncluttered GUI
loaded in some of gpx tracks and maps and tested

i couldnt find an option to meaure the total distance of a track though

not as functional as Oziexplorer, but then a PhD isnt required to run yours either :lol:

thanks for sharing Jon

ps made one DVD of maps for you, working on the others
It's quite basic, just doing the things I've found a need for but I thought if I exposed it to the outside world I might pull my finger out and add more stuff a bit quicker :) If you right click on a track and choose properties the dialog that displays should include the track length in km.

If you run it with /q /p on the command line / shortcut it switches to an interface designed for in car / small touch screen use with bigger and fewer buttons.
"If you right click on a track and choose properties the dialog that displays should include the track length in km."

i can only seem to select the individual waypoints
EDIT: i zoomed in and spotted a track segment in red colour and got distance :D
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AndyCook said:
ps made one DVD of maps for you, working on the others
Looking forward to them :) Some of the Ozi file formats are high on my todo list to support.

I have the Spanish maps we used for the Pyrenees in TE format but I never worked out what the copyright message was saying on that web site to know if I could add them to the TE map page :think:
Jon Wildsmith said:
What do you mean by operate it. Have you installed it? Does it run? There are many answers to that question so lets narrow it down a bit ;)

What I mean is, once opened up, what do you do next? :oops:
MrPaul said:
What I mean is, once opened up, what do you do next? :oops:
ok, as things stand, you look at the buttons and/or press them to see what happens or click on the menus :) There's no owners manual I'm afraid but it doesn't do much that's complicated either so hopefully not too hard to work out. The real answer to your question depends on what you want to do.

You can move the map about by dragging it or with the cursor keys.

You can zoom in and out by clicking on the + or - buttons or the I (in) or O (out) keys on the keyboard.

There's a button down the right that's sort of a track with a + on it which you click to draw a track, or you can import them from the file menu.

The button with a track that has a folder superimposed brings up the overlay manager where you can browse your tracks and waypoints, turn them on/off, lock them etc.
Yep, sorted the basics :thumbup: now, where can I get hold of maps to import? cheers in advance.
MrPaul said:
Yep, sorted the basics :thumbup: now, where can I get hold of maps to import? cheers in advance.

An index of the free OS OpenData maps that I've converted so far.

Those are the only free maps I can host. If you have older MemoryMap qct files it can read those and also if you have tif or jpg files with a world file those will also work. There's a Spanish site that lets you grab map tiles in jpg and world file format - any others are a case of searching for what's available on the net.
That's a good question :)

You want to get into the Map Browser dialog and there are several ways to do that - from the file menu choose 'Map List', or right click on the screen where there's no waypoints, tracks or buttons, or if you've run it with /p /q you can press the Maps button.

The Map Browser is one of the least mature parts of the program so the buttons and how it works are probably the least intuitive.

The button that's a folder with a + on it is what you click to add a map, browse to it and select it, either a .ter, .qct, .tif, .jpg, .tga, or .bmp file. If you select a .ter or .qct file then all the information needed is built into those files. If you select a .tif, .jpg, .tga, or .bmp then extra information is needed and TE will expect to find it in a 'world' file which will be the same name as the image file with a different extension e.g. .tfw, .jpw, .tgw or .bpw . TE doesn't currently understand Ozi Explorer .map files. As well as the information in the world file you have to tell TE what projection it should use e.g. OS or UTM and if UTM you'll have to tell it the zone. Don't worry if that sounds confusing, maps are usually supplied with that information.

The button that's a dustbin deletes maps from the list.

The button that's a magnifying glass *obviously* :) toggles between only displaying maps at the cursor position and all maps. So quite often after you add a map you can't see it in the list until you press this button unless it happens to overlap the current cursor position or you had already changed to displaying all maps.

To change which map is being displayed just select it in the list and click on OK.

Hope that helps :thumbup:

I've started adding OS Open Data Street View maps, a grid square at a time because they're quite big, but they're very detailed with all the rad numbers and street names on them. Not much minor RoW so no BOAT etc but sometimes the more made up parts of the tracks can be seen as grey tracks.
Well I'm afraid its the usual IT 'mare for me Jon... :roll: Got the software all loaded up but can't get the GPS recognised... :doh:

Its a Garmin USB puck which I don't seem to be able to assign to a COM port on me laptop here... I'm sure the puck is working as MemMap sees it... Is there an easy fix dude?

I've not come across a GPS puck that doesn't assign a com port Gav so check what port MM is talking to. TE displays the 'No Fix' message unless it has a fix so no GPS and a GPS that doesn't have a position fix look the same on the UI. I'll see about adding a 'No GPS' message but could this be why you don't think TE is seeing your GPS?
Having the same dang problem on that PC Navigator 11 too... :evil:

Off to me folks house for a class of medication... :mrgreen: Will try again later when I'm in a better frame of mind... :p

Ah, thats just popped in as I was typing JW... :cool:

When configuring the puck in MM, from the top, you choose

1. Manufacturer: select Garmin
2. Model: Serial/USB - select USB

Then all the area around the serial setup greys out & isn't alterable... It says its looking at COM1 but I don't beleive it... I have changed to COM1 in TE but still no fix... :evil:
ok, sounds like MM is not using a com port after all then. Unless you can assign a com port it won't work with TE, Navigator 11 or quite a few of those type of programs but you should be able to do that in Device Manager.
:sick: pooh...

Just when you think you can see the horizon.... :(
Just for you Gav I will investigate making it talk to a Garmin USB puck but don't hold your breath while you wait :) There was a good com port sharing program for GPS mentioned on here that I can't remember the name of just now but maybe that can connect to a Garmin USB GPS and then give com port access to it?
Har har har - IT developmental officer here then... With the slant on mental!!! :lol:

I'll just have to invest in the serial puck Jon... :shhh:

But, should I do that, there's only one serial port on my carpooter that is used to hook through to the display... :roll:

I hate pooters... :cry: