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While thinking axle breather design is rubbish ......


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
And rooting through all the junk in my shed looking for a length of fuel pipe with which to extend it , I came across this


If its mounted high and so the non return points to the floor then how is it ever going to get blocked ?
Is this a 100 series front axle breather on my 80 ?


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That's an OEM 80 series breather, I had one on mine until I extended it. You need a two way valve on the breathers that pass air but block water, not a one way or pressure buildup in the axle/gearbox casing can force oil past seals.
On the contrary it will cause a vacuum trying to pull grease through hub seals and into axle oil .

Never mind halfrauds was the only place open to get tube and I was shocked to find a metre isn’t really long enough for my truck so the factory breather can live here until I have another day of thumb twiddling must find something to do

Yeah I realized that hence i just raised the factory breather as much as i dare with only a metre of hose , the bigger the lift the harder it is to estimate suspension travel .

Has me wondering though , a Y barb and breathers could suck air from the cabin and expel air in the engine bay - a one way system .
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Can't see why your one-way system wouldn't work perfectly well. It depends on what level of vacuum is needed to open the non-return valve. The gearbox and axle casings suck in when dipped in water after being hot while driving. You might get some farting noises in the cabin as the axles get wet, so watch out for a thump from the passenger seat! :lol:
Early warning system , hold on tight dear the truck is shitting itself :lol:

These fuel check valves open/close with significantly less effort that the factory breather but of course its new and the factory breather isn't though it seems to be in good condition and a metal cap over a plastic barb suggest theres little to hinder its operation .
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I popped some of the little fuel filters on mine to stop anything solid/living getting in.
Thats just something else that can block to my mind , adds to the checklist .
The best thing to put on the end of axle / gearbox / transfer breathers are inline fuel filters. Extend the breathers into the engine bay up near the wiper motor. Fit a cheap inline fuel filter to each one. They breathe both ways. If you ever get water up that deep in the engine bay you have bigger problems than breather hoses. Also don’t forget the breathers for the Difflock actuator on the factory diff locks. They are in the looms that come out of the lockers and have little slotted caps on the ends.