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ad blocker


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Our systen has detected an adblocker installed on your browser . At top of the page when im signed in again Crispin ?
Do you have an adblocker installed?
I don't think so i have only had the computer a week but its a forum thing anyway "please click here to remove adverts" which takes me to the club supporter page .

I had this once before if you recall , my subscription was signed and payed for by the mrs and i was Helen07 until i worked out how to change my user name .
ah yes - that explains it. I got an email from paypal from Helen this morning I think. Was wondering why that was.:think:

Gimme 10 minutes and it'll vanish
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I get it pop up every couple of months. I don't have an ad blocker either.
Looks like that is an iphone? Apple block ads for you. I can play Devil's advocate on that :|

I also get this AdBlocker message on my Mac / Firefox.

I do have AdBlocker installed, but it is disabled for the entire site, and indeed I see the ads. Yet still I get this nag message :(

Can you open the console (F12 normally) and send me a screen shot of the messages section?