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Computer Security.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
My SIL has a 1st class honors degree in computer programming. He's built me a new computer and it's running Windows 10. When I asked him re additional security he said to rely on the microsoft system and no need to buy anything else. When I questioned this decision he explained that it was a bit like a jungle out there but there was nothing able to jump on you. What you had to do was something stupid like poking a wasps nest to get a virus or other. Any truth in this? Np probs yet after 18 months!
I agree with that. The problem is that the wasps nests are sometimes invisible and you dont even know you've poked them. Just visiting the wrong (or right) website at the wrong time could be enough!

But in general I think the MS security software is more than good enough for most people.
For me personally I have relied on the native MS Defender for 10+ years, BUT I have additional controls in place like not using an admin account, a robust firewall and blocking access to dodgy sites using dns blocking tools. Also lots of education for my family around links in emails etc.

Finally I run regular clean up checks with tools like ccleaner and malware removal tools.....

Been safe thus far, but who knows.
Me being computer stupid rely heavily on others for online purchases or phone them up as im using a borrowed tablet have got a new one now but waiting for sisters bloke to set it up for me but still dont trust interweb treat it like a comic and look at the pictures or go to the shop because you can talk to a person and ask for a discount so far it works for me
Us normal people think of security as wall and locks but i think nowadays geeks have changed the definition to mean open door glass houses so everybody can see everything you do hence any unusual activity triggers alarm .

Sad as it sounds it works , been a very long time since any of the kids in the family brought an infected laptop to me and i no longer lecture them "read before you click"