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Electrical help please... new(ish) batteries not starting...

By way of an update, we made it to the start line for B2B 2018... just in time.

'Big Red' is performing like a trooper. I fitted a Wink Turbo (separate update on that to follow), a W/A intercooler, and aux ATF cooler in the days running up to departure (not advisable but unavoidable) so having to adjust fuelling and boost as I go along.

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Top Mount IC, I see.

Are they the same projector lense headlights as Clive and Chas have?

Lookin' great BTW.
Glad you got it sorted Guy and good luck with the trip. No shakedown testing of upgrades prior to an overland trip not really a good idea as you say but needs must! Enjoy.
Good luck with the trip Guy. Looking forward to hearing all about it.