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eu in or out poll

Some headline grabber whos name i cant remember nor be bothered to look because she doesnt deserve any of my time. Has decided to switch sides due to a racist and xenophobic campaign. The favourite language of the left. Now i obviously dont condone the above, but this is about voting to stay or leave the eu. How can the behaviour of some dick heads make her change her whole view on europe?
yet again the left when not getting there own way resort to the race card.

It was Lady Warsi. The former Conservative MP, and now Conservative Peer, so not that left wing. You may have read a different article to me but "racist" wasn't mentioned. Xenephobia was. I think it was specific distatste at UKIPs immigration poster that looks almost identical to a Nazi campaign from the 30s. Gove voiced his concern over it too.

Also the Brexiters are apparently unaware she was ever part of thier campaign.
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It was Lady Warsi. The former Conservative MP, and now Conservative Peer, so not that left wing. You may have read a different article to me but "racist" wasn't mentioned. Xenephobia was. I think it was specific distatste at UKIPs immigration poster that looks almost identical to a Nazi campaign from the 30s. Gove voiced his concern over it too.

Also the Brexiters are apparently unaware she was ever part of thier campaign.
I clocked the racist comment on radio two today. Even so rob, the vote is about more than a poster from one of the leave groups..
Some headline grabber whos name i cant remember nor be bothered to look because she doesnt deserve any of my time. Has decided to switch sides due to a racist and xenophobic campaign. The favourite language of the left. Now i obviously dont condone the above, but this is about voting to stay or leave the eu. How can the behaviour of some dick heads make her change her whole view on europe?
yet again the left when not getting there own way resort to the race card.
If that is Baroness Warzi you're referring to she was never a leave supporter.
If that is Baroness Warzi you're referring to she was never a leave supporter.

Yep. Same person. She is refered to as Lady and Baroness. I'm not up on my peerage taxonomy to know if one title is supposed to be used in preference to the other. I had a look this morning on Google reports from the last 2 months prior to today and couldn't find any pro-Brexit rhetoric from her. The story seems to be disappearing pretty quickly from any news sources as not relevant. Gove and Osborne's reactions to the poster are more widely quoted.

I still wouldn't class her as left-wing.
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I clocked the racist comment on radio two today. Even so rob, the vote is about more than a poster from one of the leave groups..

Was she being interviewed on the Radio? I thought it all stemmed from an interview in The Times, which I've now gone and read and she says it's "hate and xenophobia", and the poster was "the final straw".

I personally think she's a shill though. But not left wing :)
More underhanded than what? Disagreeing with your politics? ;-)
Anyone is entitled to disagree with my politics and are quite welcome to. To claim to be a part of the out campaign, then leave in a big storm citing hate and xenophobia, which are strong words, as the reason. Then it turns out you were in fact never part of the out campaign. Is to me, underhanded.

ive used hate instead of racist for the sake of argument at the moment. It wasnt an interview it was a news report. I may have caught it wrong iwas hanging a door at the time! If i ever get this door on i will try and find the report.
Anyone is entitled to disagree with my politics and are quite welcome to. To claim to be a part of the out campaign, then leave in a big storm citing hate and xenophobia, which are strong words, as the reason. Then it turns out you were in fact never part of the out campaign. Is to me, underhanded.

I think we agree (again!) It was only the "more" underhanded I didn't understand. I think her behaviour completely undermines her complaints, which is a shame.
I think, and have always said, that things would be tough after any exit for a few years. But I believe in the long term markets will recover and strength and stability would build.
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Financially an exit will sting the whole of Europe and reading between the lines i have come to wonder how much (from an investors point of view) does the EU rely on Britain's stability .
Ah but cmon Cris, the poor fellow was 'downright angry' you know. That's a whole lot further up the scale there than 'rather annoyed' or 'somewhat miffed'. I expect he had to go and have a lie down after spending all that taxpayers money. I hope he got a receipt!!


My annoyance is that this time they are saying they must be believed more than last time they were told t be believed - their eyebrows so furrowed they're almost a monobrow.

When I mean "they", they are on both sides - in and out.
I was praying for a trap door to open up and swallow that TUC speaker..