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Fancy a PSA test?

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
This is the test for early diagnosis for prostate cancer. Early detection is vital. When you have symptoms it's too late in as much as the disease has spread and is probably incurable. In such a situation treatment will be much more unpleasant and lifespan reduced. The test is fairly reliable but not 100%. Test available at your GP.

I took the view I would have the test as a precaution. It turned out that I had very early prostate cancer. I'm in the minority of such cases to have failed treatment but had I not gone the disease would have spread much quicker.
Prostate cancer and it’s detection has been in the news more so recently with both Stephen Fry and Bill Turnbull being diagnosed. Considering it myself. I had a blood test ‘checkup’ recently to check the usual colestorol, blood sugar, pressure etc.. but when I asked if a PSA test had been done the answer was no as it isn’t done as ‘routine’. I was told that other things can cause a high PSA level, including age, but if it is high, the test cannot identify the cause so a biopsy may be required which isn’t pleasant but probably worth it for peace of mind.
That's exactly what happened to me TP. My friend had PC so I asked my doctor for a PSA test and he agreed. Normal score is 0-4 but mine came in at 9. Biopsies were the only definitive diagnosis but these were clear. Then after 1 month my PSA was 14 and more biopsies revealed the early cancer.

First biopsy was like a medieval torture but I asked for relief for the second round and was out of it. I don't think they use the medieval one any more.

I don't think a GP can refuse a request for PSA even though you have no symptoms. The GP writes a request for a PSA blood test and you take the form to your hospital "blood dept". Results are sent to GP in a couple of days. My PSA is taken every 3 months.
How longs a piece of string question but at what age does one need to start thinking of having this?
Is it one you pick up and take home?

No. You may be thinking of the home self test for colon cancer where you take a stool sample and send it in. Thought of sending a sample to my poxy neighbour. Apparently this test ins’t available until you’re 60>. Up to age 60 you get the anal camera inspection.
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No. You may be thinking of the home self test for colon cancer wher you take a stol sample and send it in. Apparently this test ins’t available until you’re 60>. Up to age 60 you get the camera inspection.

...or the digit one at 40? I turn 40 this month.
How longs a piece of string question but at what age does one need to start thinking of having this?

I think the general advice is 50> unless you have a family history of it or symptoms obviously.
I'm waiting for my results, get them on Thursday, Can't say I'm not worried because i am, i have some symptoms.

Hope so too JM. Fingers crossed eh.
The PSA test is not definitive, as said, it can be raised for other reasons, but it is a good indicator for doing further investigation. To not do it on the basis given above is recklessly negligent medicine. It should also, I'm afraid, be combined with a physical examination.

My uncle still had cancer despite a normal PSA and physical exam but fortunately he was ppushy and his GP sensible so when he complained of persistent pain he was referred, had a biopsy that picked it up and successfully treated.
I get a PSA test every year, unfortunately I lost too many of my friends to prostate cancer.
There is no other way other than PSA for early diagnosis other than biopsy which would be out of the question to do the whole male population every year. Yes the test is not always accurate but it's best to go along with it.
There is no other way other than PSA for early diagnosis other than biopsy which would be out of the question to do the whole male population every year. Yes the test is not always accurate but it's best to go along with it.
and the finger up the bum
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