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HEKP. Computer didn't start.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
I always leave computer turned on so all I have to do is move mouse and I'm in. Yesterday all I got was a black screen with a little message "configuring personal details" then a little message saying the program was not responding. So I pressed the power button which turned off the computer. When I pressed the power button to turn the computer on the fans whirred for 2 secs then stopped. I repeated the process 20 or so times and in the end I managed to get the computer on by rapidly pressing the power button on and off. The computer then ran normally. It's never caused problems on autostart when I come to it in the mornings. I did have to turn it off due to frozen screen a year ago and the same thing happened. I'm worried that next time I won't be so lucky. Does someone know the problem please? It's an HP desktop Pavilion.
I don't know what the problem could be but just in case make sure you have everything important backed up!
My Pavillion started doing that a while ago. For me, When it tried to boot, the disks were silent, no clicking etc. Happens every now and again exactly as you describe. Likely to be disk controllers or disks. Best solution is to replace and back up in the meantime.
Sounds like a HDD about to fail. Backup. Run HDD diagnosis, replace HDD if needed.
Not sure what hardware you've got there Frank but if you hold the off button down for 30 seconds (hard shut down) on restart it might give you the option to start from an earlier date . That option if it appears won't effect the stuff you want to save but will undo recent updates .

Like as not windows has decided you should buy a new computer and so have sent you an auto trash my computer update .

Running a disk clean up and defragment will likely free up lots of space on your hard drive if it hasn't been done for a while .

Then turn off windows updates .
Google the problem, often you can find a solution following somebody else's exact same issue.

Good luck!
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The screen did not come on Shayne, all I could do was press the button.

I tried googling but did not understand any of the answers.
Yep, definitely disk / controllers ..... replace
It does sound like a hardware issue Frank .

Can you get it to boot up in "safe mode" that's usually an option after a hard shut down . It might say press F12 or F2 at the bottom of your screen for a moment as the computer boots up , you must press that button while its shown on the screen which might give you some options to look at .

Safe mode only allows the most basic programming to run so you wont have internet and what you can see will be a mess but it would still let you run a disk clean , defragment and maybe to boot from an earlier date . Get out of safe mode the same way you got in .

I would likely be at it with a screwdriver so i could vacuum the dust from inside .