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It's a bit blowy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
Country Flag
So I've thoroughly not enjoyed driving my lorry around today. This happened while I was at a collection about ten minutes ago. Doh!
Yes not very nice with this wind. I cant make out what it is in the back ground, what happened?
The roof of the building on the right is lying on top of the cars in the car park. Sorry for the quality of the shot. Didn't wanna look like I was gawping. ( but I was)
Oh, bloody 'eck, lucky your 80 wasn't parked there Nick

(sorry, but I wouldn't have been quite so upset if it had been your BMW under that roof :shifty:)
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Took the beemer to work, was a bit worried as mjb lives under a large connifer thing out the back but i'm home now and its all in place. The beemer is an absolute dream to drive, most comfortable thing i've ever driven and the oomph it has is a joy. But its no longer my first love.. Long live mjb!
On Tuesday I had a funeral to attend at Cinderford (SW of Gloucester) - a Bike Club member that I have known since the mid '60s. He was 78 and had suffered a stroke & then a heart attack.

Bike club members were to escort the hearse to the Crematorium - so I rode down on this:


The service and reception went well, old friendships renewed and at 17:30 I headed back to Edinburgh.

The gales and rain started around Preston :doh:.

Passing lorries all the way up the M6 & M74, through the spray and with the bike being buffeted wasn't much fun. Fortunately it weighs 1/3 ton so didn't move about too much :icon-wink:.

I got home at 00:30 and I'm still drying out.

Fortunately I missed the snow in the Scottish Borders.

I see a woman was killed by a falling roof in Manchester and a man was hurt in London by flying debris.

Roll on the Summer.

I've never ridden a motorbike ( except round the car park at college) I imagine that's pretty scary in the gusts too!
I went to a funeral of a mate from my 4x4 club a while ago and we arranged for him to be transported to the crematorium in his old Landy, The turn out was unbelievable he did so many things in his life, he used to be a copper, he was in the merchant navy I can't remember them all but so many different jobs and there were people from most of his past there, I would say hundreds, it was very touching that so many people thought highly of him.


That's him doing some map reading on the bonnet of my 80'

Dickie Map.JPG
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Had to go to Bristol today to look at two water chillers. Which turned out to be 4 storeys up on the roof!! Fortunately the building was superb and the chillers were sheltered but it was blooming freezing and we got blown along the walkways and had to fight like crazy to get the plant room door closed. Had a few near misses with lorries struggling to keep a straight line on the way there and commented that we wouldn't want to be driving a high sided truck in these winds.
Bit of a mad day!
Had to go to Bristol today to look at two water chillers. Which turned out to be 4 storeys up on the roof!!

Do you have to test them for 'Legionella' ??

As a Landlord (dirty word, I know) its one of the things that I'm liable for. Trying to get a straight answer out of a company that tests them is impossible. There are so many get out clauses the risk is always left with me. I get the tanks and system flushed periodically - and documented.

The Christmas tree that my Sister planted in 1971 (and to the day she died she worried would fall in a storm) has fallen in storm Doris.

In happier times, it's the one behind Frances in this photo...


It always looked bigger standing, but lying down it measured 77 ft in length and spanned 3 gardens.


Luckily, it only broke 6 fence panels, missed all the fence posts and missed three wooden garages. It could have fallen towards the house... :shock:

Mmmm, the next photo is sideways...


Anybody want some firewood, free to collect :lol:


What can anyone say Clive ?

Time for the youngest to plant a tree .

Bit sad for me really, I know she could never bring herself to cut it. But I think bro-in-law is relieved.

It gave him a shock to hear it come down (fearing the worst) but storm Doris has done him a massive favour!

All he needs to do now is cut it up!

If anyone wants the job, it's in Acocks Green, Birmingham. He'll have to pay someone, it's too much for one person and although fit, he is 70!
I'd do it but Brum is too far Clive.
There were some serious gusts yesterday.

Bob, no, I don't get involved in that side of things and as these don't have evaporative coolers on them as far as I know there is no need. The water is refrigerant cooled, probably contains a good percentage of glycol and is in a sealed system. Evaporative coolers used to be a serious cause for concern for legionella but I haven't seen one in years.
The tree has gone Clive but the memories live on. Shayne (as is often the case) has hit it spot on. :thumbup:
Hi Clive

If my fuel gets covered and I can store the wood there for a bit I would happily do the work.

Free next week.

Let me know.
Hi Clive

If my fuel gets covered and I can store the wood there for a bit I would happily do the work.

Free next week.

Let me know.

Stu, that's a mighty generous offer mate, there's a lot of work in cutting that tree.

I'll give John a ring tomorrow (Saturday) and find out what he decides to do, but he clearly said he'd have to get a tree surgeon in to cut it up, so depending on the fuel costs, it might be a goer.

Thanks mate, I'll PM you when I've had a chat with him.