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Landcruiserparts website

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Finally after a fair while the site is back up and running. The work that had been put into the previous site was totally lost because of the old guy hosting it.
After the site was lost all my 7 years of emails and information/contacts were deleted from the server.

Fast forward to now. A nice guy on here that i pretend to like @Trevor offered a while back to get me up and running. After a stressful few months and various things changing around me i felt the time was right to sort it out.

Trevor has put a fair amount of work into it already and we have hours ahead of us but at least we are heading in the right direction.

Not much to look at at the min as we are playing with ideas but things will be changing and getting more serious as the weeks go forward.

So, id just like to thank @Trevor again.

[email protected] if anyone needs me.
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Nice one Karl ( and Trevor). Wondered why it was down. Looking forward to browsing now.
Not much to brouse at the min ben but we will get there.
He’s got a couple of cracking trucks to sell

Functional test data of course but I couldn’t resist a giggle.
He’s got a couple of cracking trucks to sell

Functional test data of course but I couldn’t resist a giggle.

Do you mean the proper trucks or your trucks you have uploaded as you thought they would go fairly fast? Lol
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You get my vote any time Karl - total gentleman (if a bit nuts ;-) )
Bit nuts....... you have only seen me whilst tamed lol

Thanks for the vote though mate.
Lol Glen. Id rather had everything as it was trust me. Not looking forward to the hours ive got to put in.
Good luck with the relaunch Karl.

With the way you treat people you deserve every sucess, could not wish to deal with a nicer person.
Hi Karl and Trevor good look with it hope all goes well with it from Tony.
I'm Glad you found something for poor Trevor to do. Bzzz.
I could find him a full time job 7days a week nick. My only issue would be paying him .
Just get him to give you one of those all inclusive quotes. They seem good value...
Good to hear the website is up and running again!! And like the new avatar! Really shows up the homage to the needle and thread of the logo.. like it!:thumbup: