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uploading videos?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010

Last summer we went off-roading in the Canadian Rockies with an 80 (petrol) and a Jeep and we have a video of a rescue, but I don't know how to upload it.
Is it similar to photos i.e. photbucket?
The video is nearly 15 minutes long. Being a Luddite would \I need to post it in a couple of sets and if so how do I split it?

I did ask some months ago but no-one gave me any advice.


Last summer we went off-roading in the Canadian Rockies with an 80 (petrol) and a Jeep and we have a video of a rescue, but I don't know how to upload it.
Is it similar to photos i.e. photbucket?
The video is nearly 15 minutes long. Being a Luddite would \I need to post it in a couple of sets and if so how do I split it?

I did ask some months ago but no-one gave me any advice.

You could YuToob it and post a link.
I've just found what looks to be a nice plug in for the forum which simplifies uploading photos and videos and, from the demo, does a much better job than the native features.
There is a free trial which I'll install and play with tomorrow and see how that goes. All being well, I can get the full version if it seems worth it.

for now though, it's a case of uploading the pics manually or adding your video to youtube and then linking to it here. See the stickies in this section for a how-to.

I've just found what looks to be a nice plug in for the forum which simplifies uploading photos and videos and, from the demo, does a much better job than the native features.
There is a free trial which I'll install and play with tomorrow and see how that goes. All being well, I can get the full version if it seems worth it.

for now though, it's a case of uploading the pics manually or adding your video to youtube and then linking to it here. See the stickies in this section for a how-to.


That would be excellent Cris, if it works well that is...

Looking forward to your follow-up on this... :icon-biggrin:
I've got it installed - just having a play with it to see if it is any better than ye olde way. Will post an update in a bit.
I put my vids on here using photobucket its exactly the same method i use for pics .
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I'm hoping to avoid any "middle men" like photobucket or flickr that I don't normally use, and upload directly from the laptop/iPad to the forum which I do on most occasions for photos at the moment.
Hi all,

First off I don't want to put it on Utube. My reasons and I don't know how to do that either!

I like the sound of Crispin's neat bit of software but if that's a no-go then maybe via photobucket but is there a time limit on PB for vids?

I don't know if there is any connection, but the last couple of days I've not been able to upload pictures either. :think:
Hi all,

First off I don't want to put it on Utube. My reasons and I don't know how to do that either!

I like the sound of Crispin's neat bit of software but if that's a no-go then maybe via photobucket but is there a time limit on PB for vids?


There are many ways to upload photos and pictures but I would much prefer it to be the simplest way which is to just upload them here. No mucking about with PB or youtube etc.
Here's hoping I can get the silly plugin to work properly...

Chas - what happens when you try?
Well well, it seems to be working now, (picture selected at random) but what I was getting was, I would select the picture I wanted tp upload, it would then try to go but when the upload menu vanished when normally it would insert the picture into the post the picture wasn't there.


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There are many ways to upload photos and pictures but I would much prefer it to be the simplest way which is to just upload them here. No mucking about with PB or youtube etc.
Here's hoping I can get the silly plugin to work properly...

Chas - what happens when you try?

I have a very similar situation, when trying to upload pictures, I don't get the option to select from the PC/iPad anymore, just the URL option :icon-cry:

I used to use the PC/iPad option all the time, is there a chance to restore that please?
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I have a very similar situation, when trying to upload pictures, I don't get the option to select from the PC/iPad anymore, just the URL option :icon-cry:

I used to use the PC/iPad option all the time, is there a chance to restore that please?

That's a bit weird Clive. I've checked your account and my test account and neither of them do that.
I know what you are talking about - I was mucking about with those settings a while back but put it back to normal. Is it happening to anyone else? Chas? How did you upload the pic of the cat? From your computer?

I'll dig around and see what's happening.
Chas? How did you upload the pic of the cat? From your computer?

I'll dig around and see what's happening.

Yes, that was straight from the PC, which hadn't been happening for a few days. That has happened before but comes back eventually can be a few days though.


Just tried to add a jpg picture to a previous post in Who is doing what maintenance today? and it doesn't want to know. :angry-screaming:
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What happened Chas? Any error?
ok, I have opened a ticket with vB about it because the proper way to upload images does not work anyway.

Will update when they get back to me.
ha ha! Got it working.

As much as I have changed it in the main settings, it did not go down to the individual users which is now fixed.

I think it should be much easier to upload photos now from here without using the likes of photobucket et al :)

See here for a new How-To I have just created.