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WTF Covid.

I don’t like blanket vaccination but no choice. Virus came too fast n hard so no time to assess who needs n who don’t.
known devil is better than an unknown one. So vaccine might be better than covid :cool: v have doctors who know how to handle vaccine related events atleast
Nobody has the right to spread a virus by not being vaccinated or wearing a mask. It was an offence not to wear a mask but not an offence to not have the jab wtf.
I work in pharmacovigilance, look at vaccine data. I never took a flu jab or any other vaccine. I try to avoid drug treatment as much as safely possible. but completed both my AstraZeneca covid doses in April itself. My wife n many other friends are still waiting for second dose.
After first dose, I had bad fever n body pain but didn’t take paracetamol as I had luxury of sleeping all day. Sometimes sleep is the best medicine
I’ve had the rona along with my immediate family. We had access to HCQ, Zpac, and Zinc and we were mostly over it it a couple of days. Never had a fever, just felt like a cold. I will NOT take the jab.
If not taking vaccine, I would keep home test kit n test when ever in doubt or going out for gathering etc, a mask for shopping trips, basic preventative measures will help a lot.
Nobody has the right to spread a virus by not being vaccinated or wearing a mask. It was an offence not to wear a mask but not an offence to not have the jab wtf.

Crazy. I find it unbelievable that people think like this.
I'm just glad everyone who came to the cruiser meet at the weekend were of sane minds as I could have found myself and my family tied up and put on the fire.
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I did say I'd shut up, but......
When I was a lad (some time ago now), it was not an uncommon sight to see children wearing support calipers on their legs, others were destined for life in a wheelchair or in some cases having to live in an Iron Lung, the results of having contracted Polio. Not all who caught it were badly affected and nowadays, thanks to immunisation, it’s rare as are many other diseases (Vaccines and the diseases they prevent - [Leaving Land Cruiser Club] ) that thankfully, in “developed” nations are also not even thought about much. It’s not the same in many other parts of the world, they do not have this luxury. As an example, a close friend of my son, a lovely, intelligent girl with a bright future, took a year out to travel to a country in South America to work in a school there. While there, she contracted an untreatable form of TB and on her return to the UK died. An inadequate mass vaccination programme in that country had allowed TB to prosper.

Covid is to some extent an unknown quantity, in many the effects are mild, but it does appear to be lethal or cause long term problems in some cases. It also has the ability to mutate into something that is worse than its present manifestations and immunisation appears to help slow this process down. Sadly, some have taken to using Covid as a political football (MAGA hat anyone ?), others have genuine fears about vaccination, but at the end of the day it’s a disease we could all live without and at the moment, the jab seems to be the best way forward to get it under control.
Yes polio, dpt, TB and many more deadly diseases are gone, thanks to immunisations.
not all vaccinations are same, some vaccines are there for more commercial profit than actual use.
Same with many medicines.
We need medicines, vaccines and all treatments.
Many don’t trust modern medicine for many reasons. Religion is one of those. Many decades ago my cousin died as her church head kept her in church and kept praying and believed gods power ll heal. That was my last connection with anything religious :) and any belief systems.

I don’t believe in flu vaccines at my age but I took covid vaccines as it stops me from being a super spreader. it’s easy to get two jabs than having to test myself every time I meet people or travel.
Last week I saw on Facebook that our air bags have mind control chips in them. I've taken all my air bags out now and feel a lot safer and saner.

Well done for removing the airbags - we will not be assimilated! :thumbup:

Now take the next step and install a 6" steel spike (facing the driver) on your steering wheel - it's the ultimate safety device, as you'll never dare go above 10mph! :icon-wink:

On a more serious note, at least in the short term, I think that personal freedom and choices are going to be impacted by whether or not you have been vaccinated, or not, against Covid-19.

You may need to get vaccinated just to be able to continue doing activities that you may have taken for granted before Covid-19 - eating in restaurants, going to the cinema, going to concerts etc. This will probably push quite a few people that might have been sceptical about the vaccine to have it, especially amongst the younger age groups.

Personally not an issue for me as I've had both jabs and so has my wife - my 2 (older) daughters have had their first and waiting for the 2nd. Youngest isn't old enough but I'm sure his time will come.
There's been a few deaths, both here and abroad, of blood clots related to the vaccine. There are many, many more cases of people getting over the initial covid infection, after months in hospital, and being left with serious after effects ranging from from severe fatigue to major organ damage and being faced with months or possibly even years rehab. I just don't get people refusing to have a jab based on possible side effects when the disease itself is way more dangerous.
I have had both the jabs but I don't think we should criticise or make fun of the anti vaxers, I don't agree with it but it is their choice and they should be free to make it.
Hopefully my two jabs will keep me free from anyone carrying it.
There have been reports of after effects from either the vaccine and Covid survivors but what has to be taken into account is what is the most dangerous the vaccine or the disease.
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My missus has just come home From work (Teacher) and said they have sent the whole year 9 home ( Not to return till September)... Because of the rising cases of Positive Tests With Covid....... :confusion-shrug: Who knows what's in store
Unfortunately, another lockdown IMO. Yes, the vaccine is preventing serious illness on the scale of the first waves but the infection rates with no restrictions will be huge so the numbers in hospital will still go up which is the main factor restrictions are aimed at preventing.
'Freedom Day'?

From the Metro, 12 July 2021: "Despite the Government earlier ruling out plans for vaccine passports following backlash from the hospitality and nighttime industries, Mr Javid has reneged on this pledge and said businesses in England will receive details shortly."

This is not about the government performing the oxymoronic act of "giving us back our freedoms". Freedoms are not in the gift of the government, to grant and remove as they see fit.

No, it's a test. Not so much an obedience test, like the past sixteen months of stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, fines.

It's more of a compliance test.

They want to see how many individuals will, of their own volition, carry on wearing face masks. Avoiding close contact with others. Sanitising their hands at every opportunity.

They want to see how many businesses will buckle under pressure, and implement the government's medical apartheid policy, demanding that people divulge their confidential medical history, and refusing entry to their premises to all who exercise what used to be their right to decline a medical procedure.

They want to see whether their gargantuan propaganda campaign has succeeded in brainwashing sufficient numbers of people into accepting permanent restrictions on their lives, even helping enforce said restrictions through social pressure on the 'refuseniks', and thus normalising pointless authoritarianism.

Of course, if more than a small minority of individuals and businesses fail this compliance test, then cue frowning, grim-faced reporters announcing the emergence of a new super transmissible covid variant, caused, as conclusively proven by computer modelling, by selfish individuals not wearing face masks, or by businesses not insisting on proof of vaccination.

Then the PM, Secretary of State for Health, all the SAGE stooges, will sorrowfully explain how much they really wanted to trust the public, how much they wanted us to be sensible enough to behave responsibly, and how much it hurts them far more than it hurts us to have to take away our 'freedoms' again.

However, as gloomy as it all sounds, there is still hope. There is a chance that, once people have had a taste of freedom, a reminder of the 'old normal', they will reject a return to ruinous lockdowns, mandatory face masks, draconian restrictions on civil liberties, and the wanton destruction of small businesses.

A small chance, perhaps, given the timorous obedience that has characterised most people's behaviour over the past sixteen months. But a chance, nonetheless.

Let's hope and pray that a critical mass of individuals and businesses will fail the government's compliance test.

And refuse to participate in the building of their own prisons.

Image credit Bob's Cartoons

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