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80 Series resurrection.

Being a HZJ Clive, I'd have said that was pretty special by purely by what it 'didn't' come with from the factory. Couldn't find a thread on your truck probably cos I'm stupid but a link or a clue would be good and waddaya mean "at your age"?....:drool:

Be careful what you wish for Chris... I don't really have a thread on it to link you to it, but there's loads of photos in my Profile photo albums.

You did ask, so here's a few anyway...



Be careful what you wish for Chris... I don't really have a thread on it to link you to it, but there's loads of photos in my Profile photo albums.

You did ask, so here's a few anyway...

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Ha ha, was nosing around your threads for quite a while last night, the angel eye thing got my attention and so did some of those laning trip pic's, have thought about 10" rims so had a look at those in fact your truck looks spot on really I reckon.

The area around you is a bit awesome isn't it, had a goggle on google to see where you are, furthest I've ever driven was Wroclaw in Poland which in a lorry was easy and can see you are just a little further and lower round the planet.

Might nip round tomorrow so get the kettle on.. :wtf: Oh and thanks for the pic's..:thumbup:
Sorry meant springs 1 and 2.

Dog bone thread

Have had a look at springs 1 and 2 Chris and can only think that both springs should hook under the centre pin rather than having one of them hooking 'over' the pin?

Thinking not a massive difference but always willing to learn..:thumbup:
Yep Chris, it is awesome round this way, a lot of opportunities off road.

If you're at all serious, why not join ratrace, Chas, Shayne and the rest of the bunch when they visit in August?

Otherwise, the kettle is always on, and you're welcome anytime!
Yep Chris, it is awesome round this way, a lot of opportunities off road.

If you're at all serious, why not join ratrace, Chas, Shayne and the rest of the bunch when they visit in August?

Otherwise, the kettle is always on, and you're welcome anytime!

Crikey, that is quite an invite and thankyou very much. Seriously love road trips but can we hang on till next year :icon-biggrin: ?

Am never going to get the 24valve manual conversion done on this old truck before august (stage 2 of the big plan),
but it'll all be done for next year incl. roof tent, sink, gear etc etc.....Then we'd like to plan something..

Daughter Chloe wanted us to drive to Chernobyl in our old '88 Hilux as she's always been fascinated by the place then head north to Latvia to visit some old old friends, a bit mad but would sooner do that kind of trip in an 80.
Have spent time in the Malaysian rain forest so not fazed about getting 'out n about'.

Back down on planet earth, I'd better get back out in that garage :icon-eek: on brake line runs at the mo. and will be following this here "Rat Race" with interest, thanks.
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I think Chas is going to enjoy it so much, it will become an annual event from this year on:dance:

Actually, that's not such a bad idea... :think:
I think Chas is going to enjoy it so much, it will become an annual event from this year on:dance:

Actually, that's not such a bad idea... :think:

I think I better get started on packing the truck ready for the off, don't want to be late.
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Welcome back mate.

look forward to seeing the end result.

I bet you will enjoy it so much it will be a total rebuild on the red one after this :)

Hi Karl, just been tho' the thread and must have missed your comments 1st time round, sorry for that, very unsure about whats happening to the red truck after all this work. Something cool will happen to it and there's a few ideas buzzing around but it'll just get stored for this year.

You're welcome to pop in anytime mate, got a working kettle..:thumbup:
No probs Chris.

ive got to have a look at a building job at the bakery in Spondon some time this week so ill let you know when and call for a cuppa.
Crikey what a mad week, we all av'em don't we, Karl anytime your welcome, amongst the 'life getting in the way of life' thing have been pressing on with crossing off as much stuff on the 'lists' as poss. :?

The target always was July for completion and am almost there, got hardly any pic's as waiting to drive the old truck out and give it a good old wash.

The brake bleeding went well for once with a very old easybleed pressure bottle.


Had to butcher an old rubber cap to suit and add a couple of BSP reducers. it worked but with no more than a carefully monitored 7psi in the tyre it was plugged into, any more and the cap looked like it was about to explode.

Lots of bits done like batteries, coolant, wipers on etc, a bigish job on the list was to tidy the chopped lower rear corners and the area behind the tail gate so did all that lot.


The key is ready to turn really altho' the exhaust downpipe is still on the bench in 2 pieces. Next pic's this 80 will be outside ready for another 25 years of life so I'm a feelin pretty pleased..:thumbup:
Sounded touch and go there for a second but bang on the money in the end just like an 80
Fantastic! :clap::clap::clap: What a sense of achievement after all your hard work.

Just an exhaust and you'll be set for the MOT?
Congratulations and well done!! :thumbup:

I think you've earned yourself a crate of beer or two!!

I think you've earned yourself a crate of beer or two!![/QUOTE]

I'll second that motion :lol:
Great job Chris. . Such a good feeling getting it running after it being in bits..

All the best iwan :thumbup: