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Cheap snorkel pictures and cutting template (product ST090KZA)


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2014
Well (following a discussion elsewhere on the forum) I pressed the button and am now the proud owner of a £69-95 Ebay special snorkel

It was UK stock and arrived within a day of ordering. The box was labelled SNK-170759.

At first I thought that the manufacturer has simply ripped off the photos from the official Safari snorkel webpage until I opened the box and found that - based on photographs - it is identical to the Safari product. I haven't got a Safari snorkel to compare it with but I certainly can't spot much difference. This version attaches to the A-pillar using three rivets rather than screws and plastic inserts in the Safari kit. This version obviously lacks the Safari branding and who knows whether it has the same UV resistance that Safari make such a big thing of, but in all honesty I can't imagine my Collie lasting long enough for that to matter. And at this price you can buy FOUR (and a bit) of these for the price of a Safari!

The accessories seem to be good quality and the whole thing appears to be quite solid. I'm looking forward to fitting and testing it, which won't be for a couple of weeks.

The only problem with the purchase is that the box did not contain a template or instructions

The instructions are out there on-line but not the template so I asked the seller and they sent me a scan of the template. It's not perfect and is the only weak part of the kit but I've attached it here anyway as it's better than nothing and the template is impossible to find online

When printing it out you must print it at the exact size and not let your printer 'resize to fit page'. Every printer is different, on some you have to check a box to allow it to 'tile large pages'. It sould be spread over four A4 pages if you've got it right. I've attached it as a pdf as the original jpeg is too big for the forum system

I will try to get around to cutting the jpeg into four separate images and post them here

(If it can't be downloaded at the right size then send me a PM and I'll send the original)


  • SNK-170759.pdf
    7.1 MB · Views: 802
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