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cruiser Meets.

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
We are going to get some dates/meets sorted for next year. Got a cruiserguy/mate comeing for a business day tomorrow so we are going to be bouncing some ideas around.

I doubt ill be able to do any lanning for a while due to the little one but im sure plenty of camping trips we be easy enough.
I am looking at a site about 30 mins south of Lincomb that is up for letting me us it as a offroad site. So we may have a taster day in the summer. It's around 400a with a mix of woodland and sloppy fields.

Pub is 3 miles away and a fair bit of nice stuff in the area to do.

They are happy for the farm to be used as a camping base even if we don't use the land.

Will report back with dates and prices once I have looked in January
We are going to get some dates/meets sorted for next year. Got a cruiserguy/mate comeing for a business day tomorrow so we are going to be bouncing some ideas around.

I doubt ill be able to do any lanning for a while due to the little one but im sure plenty of camping trips we be easy enough.

This sounds good. Can we re visit the place we went near Brackley? that was a good venue for a social.
There is an absolutely fantastic place up on Harris Island. Bit of a trek and needs weather consideration to avoid the midges but at the right time of year is very very nice.
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Bonus, I'm off that weekend :)
@fbnss who were those folks you found doing a lincomb style event not far from us?
You mean 5 minutes walk from your house? That would be... @Chas who's your 4x4 group?
There is an absolutely fantastic place up on Harris Island. Bit of a trek and needs weather consideration to avoid the midges but at the right time of year is very very nice.

love the Harris idea kb.
hope all is well mate.
Yes that's them Nick, but they all drive green ovals.
I had watched their vids on Facebook after driving past them all on the way to rosies