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Ctek 250sa

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Hi guys.
Quick question to the people who use the cteck.
I have a new ctek. I noticed when we visited lincomb yesterday that I had no lights on it at all. Does this happen if the battery is fully charged or do I have an issue somewhere?
Since it had been fitted I've always had the green power light on and had various orange lights mainly when its putting power in from the truck or solar or both together.

Any help I'd be grateful to hear. thanks
With the engine running, no lights means it's not wired in. However, it may not kick in right away - give it a minute, for the starter battery to come back up, maybe (?)


The lower one on the left with the i in a circle should be green as a proof of life.
Thanks Kb.
It's been fine since fitted. We did Scotland no problem. just recently nothing showing on it.
Karl why didn't you tell me this yesterday when I was there? :icon-rolleyes:

There should always be one light on to show that it's connected to the battery and basically working. When the engine is running the light next to the alternator should light up. So no lights means A it's not getting power from the engine and B that it's not connected to a leisure battery either.
Should have said, most likely culprit is a poor earth.
Thanks Chris.

I noticed after we were looking at the super heater.

I had a quick look and checked over it to make sure nothing was loose.
the battery terminal under the bonnet wasn't 100% tight but that didnt make any difference to the ctek showing power.

I will tighten it up and see what happens.
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Best thing really Karl is to disconnect everything and then start one basic connection at a time. Forget things like solar input etc. I know you have both units, but I'd drop the Smartpass for the second. Remove the bus bars. Connect leisure battery to the DS250, connect the earth, connect the alternator and so on and see how it all responds. If all that checks out then you can reconnect the bus bars and move the alternator input etc and see if it all stays good. I have tow of these set ups and they've been perfect other than once it all seemed to stop. I disconnected it and coupled it all back up and it sort of reset. Been fine ever since. I think sometimes they get a bit of a hiccough and need a restart
Check any fuses fitted Karl. You should probably do this in circuit on Volts and there should be zero Volts across each fuse. Better still, remove at least one side of the fuse or remove it entirely and check on ohms. Again, zero is what’s needed. Apologies if I’m teaching you to suck eggs. :)
Check any fuses fitted Karl. You should probably do this in circuit on Volts and there should be zero Volts across each fuse. Better still, remove at least one side of the fuse or remove it entirely and check on ohms. Again, zero is what’s needed. Apologies if I’m teaching you to suck eggs. :)

Nope Rich I have no idea with the eleky side of things.
As Chris said I may have to start again.

Just been out to the truck. its sat at full charge (leisure) but no lights at all on the ctek
Karl, does not imply the ctek is working. You may be sitting there with the aux batteries in parallel to the alternator at the moment! Or the ctek may have lost a led :)
Quite often the green led on my ctek just flickers dimly when Hilux is just sat there’s parked up, but clear to see in darkness
Yes they all do that Andy - you mean on the Smartpass unit?
I can’t cant remember if it’s the smartpass or main ctek unit, will look later