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Message to new members.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Welcome. I think I speak for most members on here. It's nice to have a new post from somebody with a problem and usually the forum can help, sometimes not. It would be nice to have feedback when a problem is solved especially when we did not know the answer. I can think of a few puzzles where no feedback came so we are none the wiser whether the problems were solved or not.
Agreed Frank, I'm still intrigued about that 'knocking noise' that wasn't traced and would really like to hear the outcome.

I'd also like to receive the 'not so broken' transfer box that was part of the deal, but he seems to have disappeared.

There have been a couple of others that I'd like to see resolved as well.

I think we are seeing people who just want to get the trucks fixed and are not interested in joining the club and sharing info/thoughts. Sad really.

It's more than sad Frank/Bob, it's bloody infuriating !
They want free help, which everyone on here willingly contributes, but don't want to help anyone else by getting involved with feedback/resolutions to problems solved (or not)
That is until the next time !
They also want a quick fix, so if the exact answer isn't given instantly, they go elsewhere and repeat the same process.
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Absolutely agree. It's nice to get some feedback even if a suggestion didn't work. I'm particularly miffed if I go to the trouble to dig out some pictures and upload them - I have to re-learn how to do it every time.
I've gone to the trouble to send parts,some quite large and of value in the past for free, only asking for postage or a contribution to charity thinking they are going to help a fellow cruiser enthusiast out only to see the vehicle quickly advertised at ridiculously high asking price within a few days. Way of the world now I'm afraid. Very few of us genuine oil stained fingers types left. It wont get any better. Just have to enjoy what we already have.
Sadly common, I’m a Mod on the FJ forum and we see the same all the time, new member joins up, asks a question, gets lots of replies and help but we never even get a response again
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I can't even write how much that winds me up Bob , to go out of your way to do a stranger a favour only to end up regretting it feels like a slap in the face .

Because you have his address lets hope its just an oversight that will be amended quickly .
Sadly common, I’m a Mod on the FJ forum and we see the same all the time, new member joins up, asks a question, gets lots of replies and help but we never even get a response again

This happens on forums for just about everything you can think of. I'm on a few bike forums and same there. I guess there could be any number of reasons. Most of the long time members on here (and other forums) are long time owners of the marque. Maybe someone who buys his/her first LC and has a problem they can't solve, just wants a quick answer/fix and are not really into the "club" thing. Even so, I would expect a reply with an outcome and maybe a thank you as a matter of courtesy.
I joined the MR2 forum when needing help on restoring one for sale. However I posted my thanks and thanks to my feedback on how things were going another member bought it.
Good call @frank rabbets

I guess new members with less technical knowledge may be unsure of what they can add to the forum.

So as well as feedback on resolved problems, the other thing new members can add that is always appreciated is a few photos of Landcruisers doing cool things, which if free, easy to post and requires no technical experience or knowledge.