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Not quite gone, just hibernating


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
Country Flag
hi everyone,

I've not been on the forum a lot, these last 6 months - and the 105 has been in dry-dock for the period. I'm not quite gone as yet - have had a few health issues at home that have meant 100% focus offline, and then work started piling up and then travel for work. So between hospitals and school and work - there hasent been a whole lot of time in day left.

During this last few months though, I've had a ton of support from various people I've only met through the forum. You all know who you are. One thing I do want to mention is that this support has been absolutely and completely appreciated. The short conversations, here and there, have been a great support and form of recharge for me. Thank you very much.

Over the coming weeks, I am going to get Lilly Bird back home, get her through the MOT and see if we can get out a bit. Have a few friends going out on the 19/20th May for a little campout with kids down this way, the intention is to join them and then take it from there.

Our grand plan of doing the French Atlantic coast all the way through through Spain to Portuguese border, over 3 weeks - has been can'd. Perhaps indefinitely. Given the situation, I do not imagine us being able to leaving the UK in the coming 2 years. At-least not as a family. I might still do the Corsica + Sardinia ring in Sept '18, if things are in a good state and i have support here at home. If not, then maybe next year. Not buying any tickets or booking any ferries as yet.

once again, thank you all so much for all the support through this very hard time for us,
Hi GOK, sorry to hear that you're having a rough time.
I hope all turns out for the better.
If you manage to get to Belgium, you and your family are always welcome at our cottage in the Ardennes near the luxemburg border.
We've been to Sardinia in 2015. Great trip. If you want info, just ask.
Keep well.
Best wishes KB, hoping everything works out the best way possible.
hi everyone,

I've not been on the forum a lot, these last 6 months - and the 105 has been in dry-dock for the period. I'm not quite gone as yet - have had a few health issues at home that have meant 100% focus offline, and then work started piling up and then travel for work. So between hospitals and school and work - there hasent been a whole lot of time in day left.

During this last few months though, I've had a ton of support from various people I've only met through the forum. You all know who you are. One thing I do want to mention is that this support has been absolutely and completely appreciated. The short conversations, here and there, have been a great support and form of recharge for me. Thank you very much.

Over the coming weeks, I am going to get Lilly Bird back home, get her through the MOT and see if we can get out a bit. Have a few friends going out on the 19/20th May for a little campout with kids down this way, the intention is to join them and then take it from there.

Our grand plan of doing the French Atlantic coast all the way through through Spain to Portuguese border, over 3 weeks - has been can'd. Perhaps indefinitely. Given the situation, I do not imagine us being able to leaving the UK in the coming 2 years. At-least not as a family. I might still do the Corsica + Sardinia ring in Sept '18, if things are in a good state and i have support here at home. If not, then maybe next year. Not buying any tickets or booking any ferries as yet.

once again, thank you all so much for all the support through this very hard time for us,
Hi GOK. im a newbie to the site. im in kent also. Sandwich/Dover area. not sure where you are. but if you ever need a hand let us know. as with any member if your in the Dover/Sandwich/Ramsgate areas I have a large tri axle trailer and if your in the sh@t .... well if I can help I will. all the best
hi everyone,

I've not been on the forum a lot, these last 6 months - and the 105 has been in dry-dock for the period. I'm not quite gone as yet - have had a few health issues at home that have meant 100% focus offline, and then work started piling up and then travel for work. So between hospitals and school and work - there hasent been a whole lot of time in day left.

During this last few months though, I've had a ton of support from various people I've only met through the forum. You all know who you are. One thing I do want to mention is that this support has been absolutely and completely appreciated. The short conversations, here and there, have been a great support and form of recharge for me. Thank you very much.

Over the coming weeks, I am going to get Lilly Bird back home, get her through the MOT and see if we can get out a bit. Have a few friends going out on the 19/20th May for a little campout with kids down this way, the intention is to join them and then take it from there.

Our grand plan of doing the French Atlantic coast all the way through through Spain to Portuguese border, over 3 weeks - has been can'd. Perhaps indefinitely. Given the situation, I do not imagine us being able to leaving the UK in the coming 2 years. At-least not as a family. I might still do the Corsica + Sardinia ring in Sept '18, if things are in a good state and i have support here at home. If not, then maybe next year. Not buying any tickets or booking any ferries as yet.

once again, thank you all so much for all the support through this very hard time for us,
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Hi KB, hopefully your problems are all behind you now and you can look ahead to better times.

Best wishes from Maria and myself.
Best wishes for the future GOK and i hope every thing improves as best as possible for you so you can enjoy your Cruiser again amongst other things and be able to plan future travels again
We’ve not met yet KB but plenty of cross-chat on here.

Sorry for your troubles, but here’s hoping they’re past their worst...

Our place has an ever-open door if you ever get this far matey :thumbup:
thanks for the kind words everyone, much appreciated.

@Higgy - we are in Bexley, so not quite as much Kent as we'd like; I am sure we'll be down your way soon, will reach out. Thanks
thanks for the kind words everyone, much appreciated.

@Higgy - we are in Bexley, so not quite as much Kent as we'd like; I am sure we'll be down your way soon, will reach out. Thanks
I keep forgetting how big Kent is.It stretches into that there London
What a great lot of people you are, I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. The response to GOK ‘s posting is marvellous , I personally don’t know any of you, I read your postings, I’ve never met anyone on this forum, and my heart also goes out to GOK, circumstances change for everyone in a blink, but when support comes from like minded human beings it’s a great thing, I also would be pleased to help anyone in a situation such as GOK, but I’m just one of crowd who beat me to lt, well done again, and my best wishes to GOK and all you members too.
Bill Westley
Morning KB, just catching up. I hope the prognosis is looking better mate.I know we spoke last time we met at a gathering. All the best to you and Mrs KB. Give the girls a hug from us all.

As with everyone else on here, wishing you all the best KB, I hope that you are back cruising the trails soon.
Simon and Rachel