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Time for a winch bumper?


Staff member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
Well I had an "oops" on Wednesday evening on the way home :(

On an elevated section of road in London, stop start traffic and the woman in front of me was playing on her phone. Each time the traffic moved she would be slow enough to allow 2 or 3 cars in front of her.

I see my gap to overtake her (dual carriage way) and pull out. What must have been a combination of too much wellie, sharp angle and the wheel skipping out my hand, I pretty much did a 45 degree jump and bounced into the wall. :(

The wheel took the brunt off the knock so hoping that's all OK. Rest is plastic and tin damage.

Bummed. But, going to see what the insurance company say about a swap like last time :)
Hi crispin,
I try to imagine the situation: you getting all wound up because of the lousy driver in front of you and then crashing yourself into the wall. Must have been a 'special' feeling.:fearful:

Afn make nice bumpers
With this one on the truck, you can give the car in front of you a gentle nudge instead of driving it into the wall.
Hopefully it's just cosmetic damage.
Oooops Cris, sh!t happens, as they say. Must have been a bit embarrassing though, I’d imagine:shifty:

It’s never nice to do damage, but as you say, only tin & plastc hopefully, and nobody hurt except your pride!
Bummer ! I don't envy anyone having to tackle the rush hour in London these days.
I was mildly pissed off to say the least. Crap day at work added to the frustration.

Ho hum.
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Oh crap, could have been much worse
Funny you should say that Ben, my first thought was that although Chas would certainly take no pleasure from something like this, it must surely make him feel a touch better about recent events. Sh!t happens as Clive said.

Sorry to see this Cris and hope the damage is confined to what you can see.

Presumably the driver on her phone was oblivious to what she had caused and continued on down the road?
Hmmmmm, not nice, you must be of similar age to Chas. Silver lining in heat you at least you managed to get some uber eats pizza.
Ah yes, forgot about that. I used (for the first time) Uber Eats to have pizza delivered.
When the delivery guy arrived at the door to the house I went "Psst, hey buddy - that's mine". The confusion on his face was awesome. Pizza was very good too :)
Oh man.

Yup, time for a winch bumper.

How did you get on with insurance?
Well, they got me a loan car. It's mid-engine, rear wheel drive!

Zoom in!

i didnt know that the Renault twingo was mid engined.You learn something new every day.
Well, rear but there's a boot. Pretty sure if you measure you can make it mid :D
as for the stop start traffic & cutting in etc. going to the airport here in Spain the other day i witnessed some behaviour that would make even the most aggressive racing driver blush & would probably get your windscreen smashed in the UK.In many ways the Spanish are not technically skilled as drivers but when it comes to drilling it into a gap an inch bigger than their car at speed , without hesitation (or indicators) they are up there with the Italians....
Is it me or is this all a bit de ja vu.

I’m sure this is how you got a winch bar on your last cruiser...

PS: Waneer gaan ons braai?
Ouch :thumbdown::cry:
Hopefully nothing more then surface damage.