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We're doomed Capt Mainwaring, we're doomed!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Country Flag
WTF is going on when cyber criminals can halt the fuel supply to almost half of the US. What the hell next? If this isn't proof that this increasing reliance on IT has gone too far I don't know what is.

Hyperlink............Fuel supplies cut
Beware of the skynet

On the bright side it allows for a billion working hours to be paid per day to people who do nothing useful at all .
Nothing silly Karl if there was a electricity supply power cut people would have to actually use the mouth they were born with and talk but they would only complain that they can't get interweb and look up with a face so confused like a cat thats been thrown against a wall just one too many times no such thing as conspiracy theory just conspiracy what we got here at the last count was fourteen people to one cctv camera not including illegal immigrates
I dont believe a single word we are told with anything nowadays steve.

cyber attack on fuel supply = their excuse for major fuel price increase and to ground people.
WTF is going on when cyber criminals can halt the fuel supply to almost half of the US. What the hell next? If this isn't proof that this increasing reliance on IT has gone too far I don't know what is.
Maybe they didn't upgrade their software because they did not think an upgrade was needed. :lol:

We will always be increasing reliance on IT and electronic systems. It's inevitable and I cannot see a way around it. The motor car was evil as was steam before it.
Each phase will have issues and be improved after that.

What is starting to happen is that the correct funding, from small to large companies, is now starting to go to the right security-focused people in the org as there is now a realisation that it can go really bad if purses are not unlocked.
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That is also possible. Blame the Russians - as they have - and it'll buy you time.
Reminds me of the post master who was convicted and committed suicide . That of course was a computers fault nobody elses .
Shayne that was on the news recently and would say yes computer fault but would also say you can't blame the computer only the numpty that programmed it unless of course its SELF AWAR
I wonder what's the alternative, or even do we have one? I can't see a future without being connected and having computers and smart devices etc. Unless you are going to live secluded somewhere, but even then what about medical treatment. I guess we could accept that when we get ill if we can't heal ourselves, then we should expect a shortened lifespan.

The down side is that that baddies will always take the opportunity to grab some easy money , perhaps descendents of Robin Hood?
Radio advertising featuring Robot Hood on now years ago it was the Cathode Ray Nipple today and for the very long future almost everyone is plugged in and as an experiment put your smartphone in a drawer and walk away for a few hours and tell me you are not addicted or just answer the phone calls and text with NO SWIPE ON SWIPE OFF so happy I still use an old Motorola v3 raza just text and phone calls
I agree with the addition side, but that is not a technology issue but a user one.
So, I think this conversation needs a fire, beer and a clear sky. But here is the short version of it. This incident is much lower on the scales of 'oh my god' than the NHS hospitals being hijacked by a similar (actually almost exactly the same) methods. It was built by govt agencies, to take down exactly this sort of thing - in other countries.

So that's one part.

The other part here is that a lot of infra, a lot of systems are run to the same soft of compliance and specs as traditional old world was. The old world thinks this is how they remain relevant. The new world isn't the old world, and needs new processes, new compliance specs, new models and most of all - different set of competencies to run.
What happens when we all get dementia? At least with dementia you can stagger down to your shop and they would know you there and sort you out. But computers!
Not to worry, then the Geriatric Age Governing Algorithm (GAGA) that will take care of things will kick in. It will automatically order suitable things from Amazon (denture fixative, biscuits, etc.) and send reminders telling me what I went upstairs to look for and where I left my glasses. Unfortunately, it won’t tell me why the server has crashed or the circumstances surrounding the power cut.
Not to worry, then the Geriatric Age Governing Algorithm (GAGA) that will take care of things will kick in. It will automatically order suitable things from Amazon (denture fixative, biscuits, etc.)

What happens when the server crashes and the drone delivering your denture fixative takes it to the guy round the corner who's ordered hemaroid cream?
What happens when the server crashes and the drone delivering your denture fixative takes it to the guy round the corner who's ordered hemaroid cream?
This is just how they keep tiktok ticking :)
It won't be a problem as with old age you can't remember what the problem is. If you can't remember, then the 'puter can't fix it.