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A journey into a 40-series ownership

Nick Sabrazat

Active Member
Mar 4, 2018
Country Flag
Right, I'm back after a long hiatus from this fine community. I have been silent and not been posting for a few years now. This wasn't by choice, but due to life getting in the wayand lack of spare time to spend time on the internet and typing uninteresting post :)

As the title suggests, I am now the proud owner a a 40-series, a HJ45 to be precise. So in line with my thread on my other favourite vehicle A journey into a 60-series ownership, and because I clearly lack novelty when it comes to thread titles, I am starting another build/restoration thread on this newly acquired 1978 HJ45 pickup (or as my wife likes to call it: my "latest piece of junk").

Before I go on to the HJ45, I wanted to say that the HJ60 is still very much used and loved. In fact, lots of work has gone into it since my last post on the dedicated thread, so I will need to update that one as well at some point.

Okay, onto the HJ45.
I have purchased this on a pure impulse, on New Year eve, less than 24 hours after first seeing it listed on eBay. I was on my way back from a family outing and we had stopped at McDonalds for a healthy dinner. As wife and daughter nose dived into their phones, I did the usual eBay saved searches review and saw the HJ45 listing. Within 10mins of mulling over, I told my wife I wanted to go and see it over the weekend. Some will say this was an expensive Happy meal stop but so goes life.

But why an HJ45? Well I saw Tony's red one at Lincomb a few years back and loved the basicness (for any better words) and the utility side of it. I convinced myself then and there that I needed one too.

Enough of that, here are some pictures, because we all like pictures:








It's obviously been well used during it's previous life in Queensland but is is fairly rust free and running well. Long term plan will be to restore it. However short term is to use it as is whilst correcting the few issues it has. This also means that I can complete the restoration of the HJ60 which has been used as a bit of a workhorse until now.

First job was the mandatory first wash. Unlike my dear wife, the daughter has some interest in Land Cuisers and was keen to help out! (cue the cute picture, aww)


Jobs to do then? Well, I won't lie, there're a few:
  • First and foremost, I need a heater. The heater matrix and associated ducting and water pipes were removed at some. I'm guessing a heater isn't an absolute requirement in Queensland. However when it's -6 in the UK and you want to go to work at 5am, it is a bit tricky to defrost the screen and stop it from steaming up on the way with out said heater.
  • Take it to Krown for rust proofing
  • I also need to replace the driver door handle. The truck came with a set so that should be an easy one. But I'll take the opportunity to straighten the dent on the door
  • Do a full service as gear changes and 4H and 4L are a bit of a pain.
  • Fix the awful electrical harness bodges
  • Tidy the interior trim and seats
  • I also like to install a winch as the bumper is clearly suitable for one. I do intend to take this off road a bit. As I get stuck all the time, mostly due to lack of driving skills, at least I will have something to fold back onto.
Long term, I will be looking to fit an original Toyota tub, although the current wider tray with the fold-down sides is very practical for the every days jobs.

That's it, will keep you posted!

Oh and more pictures, because we can never have enough eye candy!



Thanks for reading this through,


PS: give me a shout if you have a spare heater system for one of those!
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Oh wow, that looks amazing.

Have I maybe seen it in and around Cambridge perhaps?
I followed him for a few miles once, completely going out of my way - I remember clearly it has a lovely engine 'burble'.

Wishing you many miles of enjoyable driving.
That's lovely that, correction they're lovely hope to have a 60 and a 40 in future. hell i even want the bug eyed 55.
look forward to seeing it progress.
Along for the restoration ride. Truck looks brilliant!
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Thanks all for the positive comments and likes

I followed him for a few miles once, completely going out of my way - I remember clearly it has a lovely engine 'burble'.

Wishing you many miles of enjoyable driving.
It does sound pretty sweet and healthy I must admit. There is also a striking difference in soundtrack (and performance) between the H and 2H engines.
In fact whilst I'm comparing the two vehicles, it is amazing how much more refined and quicker (yes I know) the 60-series feels. :)
Plus the toasty heater in the HJ60 is definitely a bonus this time of the year. Still this doesn't stop me from using the HJ 45 as per latest update below.
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Starting to live with the old girl and straight away she's had to earn her keep.

First with climbing the icy lanes to get to work and then to fulfil the gardening support duties:





I have also learned to live without central heating :) using a fan heater on a timer for these frosty morning starts. It's low tech but it gets the ice off the windscreen. Woolly hat and glove are still required to undertake the morning journeys thereafter!

Hi I just love the look of a FJ45 you will have a lot of fun with that cruiser all the best Tony keep the pics coming.
Hi I just love the look of a FJ45 you will have a lot of fun with that cruiser all the best Tony keep the pics coming.

Thanks Tony. Is this a new user name or a different Tony?
If it's the former, do you still have your 2H powered HJ45 which which is responsible for this thread? Would love to see it again. BTW, I still owe you some money for the HJ60 window regulator. I hope to see you (and the other member of this fine community) at a future club meet.

Kind regards,

Hi yes it's me and I have still got the old hj47 see you one day soon all the best Tony.
Hi I have still got the old cruiser the 40s r the best all the best Tony
Hi All,

Quick update on my ownership of the HJ45. Covered just under 1500 clicks on it, attended a few shows, and mostly got on with some of the items on the to-do list.
  • Heater box: I have sourced one from a well know Pakistani supplier on Facebook. Won’t mention any names as the person seems to be getting lots of positive feedback. Unfortunately, my personal experience was poor to say the least, although it could have been an individual case. The items received were far from meeting expectation for the price I paid. Some were rusty, damaged or simply missing. I ended up sandblasting and repainting the heater box, one of the damaged ducts was eventually replaced after nearly 3 month of continuous promises and chasing up and I never received the cooling pipes to plumb the heater. But at least the cabin is furnished, and I can demist the screen on a damp morning.
  • Door handle: I have straightened the door and fitted the spare handle I had
  • Electric wiring: tidied some of this up, but ideally would need the loom stripping to complete the job, as part of a body off restoration. But at least seems are useable for the time being.
  • Interior: Gave the cab a thorough clean and noticed in the process a couple of poor rust repair on the floor which I wasn’t happy with. So I tried to improve on this a little. Overall, the truck is rust free and those are the only two repair area I could find
My progress on the to do list was however hampered as I had new items to address:

  • The battery had stopped charging, with was eventually traced down to a failed regulator. A solid-state replacement unit was sourced to address this.
  • The starter motor failed. I had the unit refurbed by a top guy in Birmingham. If you are in the area, I can strongly recommend Reconauto in Handsworth for all alternator and starter motor issues. He is a very knowledgeable chap with an interest in old Toyotas
  • The radiator started leaking. So, I had the original unit refurbished by another local trade person which I would also recommend based on the quick turn around and reasonable prices: GAT radiator in Brierley Hill

Now with the pictures:
And some ramdom images of the truck being used for intended purposes:
Sadly however, I have decided to part with the HJ45. I had planned to keep it as a long term project. However, the unexpected passing of a friend meant that I had the opportunity to purchase an MGA, owned from new from the diseased.
Subsequent negotiations with the wife means that the HJ45 needs to go, so I will be putting it for sale soon. It will however leave a void, having experience the practicality of a pick-up truck.

On a positive note I will be keeping the HJ60, which is very dear to me.

Hi Nick that's not good at all very sorry to hear about it all the best Tony.
Hi Nick that's not good at all very sorry to hear about it all the best Tony.
Hi Tony,

Believe me if I could keep them all I would. But I had to make a choice and the sentimental value on this one is greater.



Probably won't be as good greenlaning though.



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