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100 Series Gullwings (The Cruiser Company)


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
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As you know I am in the process of redoing my storage and kitchen and as part of this I wanted to add some gullwings to make the space more usable. I debated on which brand to go with and I saw a recommendation for wings from The Crusier Company, TCC for ease. Home | The Cruiser Company - [Leaving Land Cruiser Club]

I watched a YouTube video of the wings being fitted to an 80 and seemed to all be straight forward. I liked the clean look and they suited my budget.

I ordered a pair of wings and the initial interactions with TCC were all good. Long manufacturing lead time (6 weeks) and then covid based flight disruption and Christmas meant a long wait till the end of January.

Yippee they arrived...

So first I must say Sam at TCC is doing what he can to address the issues I have raised with them, but there are some design and instructional issues that need to be overcome. It's not a straight forward install so far.

First up warehouse picking issues.
I received 2 passenger doors and 2 sets of upper and lower strut mounts but both for the same side. Also received m6 nuts to partner all the m5 bolts. The nuts also aren't nylocs so they either need swapping out or loctite applying.


The instructions seem to have a mixture of images for different models and that might be why some of the instructions are inaccurate, eg:

Screenshot_20220201-184327_Write on PDF.jpg

If you follow this, then when you assemble the top plate, the additional metal plate and the hex head bolts foul on the body work. Which also means you now have an extra set of holes to deal with and the top left fitting actually aligns with an internal metal profile so you cant fit the nut and washer on the back. See below


When you finally get the plates and door in right place, the biggest disappointment and design floor becomes very apparent.


This is ridiculous, and there is no adjustment to be able to bring it closer in, it actually needs bending to align with the body shape. The image below is from their website, you can see a small gap but nothing the size of Jordan's gash.

Screenshot_20220201-190448_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg

So when TCC open later they will get a request to sort it all out.
Fingers crossed it can be sorted.
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Don't think I could have written anything that stupid about nuts and bolts
Any progress on this? Surely they must get onto this double quick
Progress has been good. Obviously with the time difference it does delay things somewhat.

They re sending me the a number of new bits and fixings to address the issues. Also will credit me for any additional import fees incurred.

They had some unhelpful temp labour in before Christmas and this seems to have thrown a spanner in the works.

They still appear to have a design flaw in that the window plate is flat but the body profile is curved. Once it get the right parts and fit both the best I can I will then see about bending the plates to the body shape.
It's good they are playing ball,- up to a point ! That the panels dont fit due to wrong profile is a monumental cock up, to say the least. It seems they are sending you replacement bits for the wrong/missing ones sent, the cheapest option for them.
You shouldnt have to be modifying poor design and workmanship. Obviously no thought/template went into the profiling of them, which leads me to question how the hell they manufactured them in the first place, they obviously didnt have a vehicle to make a prototype, and didnt check for fit once made.
Hope it turns out well for you.
@Tractionman yeah agreed but I guess you buy cheap, you get cheap sometimes. Looking at their Website, they have fancy scanning tools and CAD modelling, perhaps it's due to manufacturing costs and equipment to make the profile curved?

They also have images fitted to a 100 and I've been sent other images of the fit and they look a lot better than my fit.

There is a 2-3mm difference on the upper assembly parts sent to me originally over the inspec.images I was sent. Hopefully this will improve things slightly.
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I'm sure their manufacturing costs and equipment definitely come into it, but having scanning tools and cad modelling, I don't know how they can go wrong, apart from idiots employed who cannot determine/input data and confirm results. Obviously no quality control.
I get the buying cheap bit, but even so, they don't come even close to fitting.
As the company has admitted they employed "unhelpful" temp labour over Xmas, they are in effect telling you they know the parts are sh/t, in which case as Xmas has been and gone, and hopefully those dullards, and they should now be in a position with a normal/proper workforce to re supply your entire order asap, at no further cost/shipping
2/3mm difference in certain circumstances, especially on an angle, can improve a situation, but as you have pointed out, those panels need a 'set' in them to align with body, if you go ahead and try to fettle yourself and fubar up, what happens then ? I know you don't want further delays like that, and the aggro that goes with it, and I make no criticism towards you mate in my posts, you are the unfortunate victim in this.
Good luck.
Ask them if they have heard of an English Wheel as that is what it's going to take to get flat sheet into shape or a sheet bender with gentle use to get the right shape they owe you HMG and let's hope that they can be reasonable and sort this for you
To use an English wheel takes skill and a good eye Steve. I don't think they possess either !
Not even a half assed possession attempt at the very abused ing ger lish lang goo widge spelt slowly for the hard of listening
Long day yesterday and today and we are as near as we can get. I now need to work out how to bend it by hand without damaging the powdercoat. I have started the top piece but think i will need to mark it then take it off to bend it. Wondering how much heat i can apply? Image on left is todays the right was before. The best news i guess is it absolutely pi55ed it down here last night and no leaks. But now i potentially have to take it off again.:disappointed:

No idea how you would do that by hand or otherwise HMG, looks like mission impossible mate, especially with the added problem of cracking the powder coating. I admire you for trying to rethink/rework them, but....... As well as the weather aspect you have a security risk as they are.
@Tractionman I am stubborn SOB and will try to find a solution. I might knock up some kind of homemade break with wide radius profile to get a slight curve on it. Working very slowly to ease the corners (red parts in the image) into a tighter fit.

Weather I wise don't think there will be an issue. Security wise, yes you could get a lever in there to pry it open but that the same for other wings, windows can be broken etc, but agreed currently its a bit more inviting. I have replacement parts coming (no guarantee that they will be any better) but like a dog with a bone I want to engineer this out too...

Would it be easier to bend it in right down the middle ? Instead of just the top and bottom corners?
Would it be easier to bend it in right down the middle ? Instead of just the top and bottom corners?
Yes probably easier but doing that would raise the middle and potentially create gap from the seal or change the alignment of the hinge mounts. It sits nice and tight now on the seal and these corners are over hang mostly cosmetic. The far end sits nicely as does the centre line at the front edge. As they sent me two doors for the same side I do have a spare currently to practice on.
I don't think so. Their FB page is quite busy and the production was a long wait. Maybe i was just unlucky or a I just have higher standards. Just want to tell my highs and lows for others if they follow.
I can't believe they've supplied them in that state to many people to fit the same car.

To be fair, you are making the best of it (good on you) and are of the right mindset to have a crack at fixing it - I totally understand that but I would bet most people wouldn't be that nice about it.

What do you reckon happend? 1) they don't have the right bits for your car (so wtf did they sell you) or 2) they have them but just sent you something else (so send the right bits)

Or sommat else?

Good luck getting it sorted, I'm sure you will one way or another!
Trying to bend material that thick over the horizontal and vertical axis needs a power press of atleast lots of tonnes could there be a possibility that yours have missed that process and the top part needs a long slight curve in it only and the gullwing looks to need both horizontal and vertical curves so when opening it may not catch or not open at all they are sending you a complete set both left and right handed that have been checked over thinking english wheel again bloody saga or what