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Chance 3 Prado lineup!


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2019
Country Flag
Could not resist parking next to these two today!


We have:

2013 150 series diesel
2009 120 series petrol
2000 90 series petrol
Great pic! :thumbup:

Perhaps it's the angle but the 150 seems really bloated compared to the 90 and 120, which look (and we know are) similar in size.
Chadr it the camera lens got the fish eye thing going a lot of you tube videos are filmed this way don't aff mess with your head
Yes it does look like that, this was on a mobile phone but having said that the 150 seems a bit more bulbous in the area between the rear axle and the bottom of the D pillar. Maybe extra room for the 3rd row?
Dare I say Ford 250 ass end
Just had another look and think it's the reflection of the front end of the white one being reflected on the curves of the black one also the rear glass of both outer trucks seem to be sloping in towards the white one
The white one is parked in the middle of the bay whilst the other two are parked closer to the outer white lines
This is turning into a spot the difference competition just brilliant
Prize will be a fully supported guided tour of the Full Lap of AUSTRALIA and then the scenic route back to base by Adventure Wagon you only have to get your trucks and yourselves to the start point by Monday 22nd May 2022
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Haha I'm up for that. Get here the day before and I'll take you on a 90 series spotting tour of the northeast Brisbane suburbs. There's one dude near me with 2 of them in his front garden!
Brilliant thanks for the generous offer should be at your doorstep sometime within my lifetime