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Funny Pictures

thats not a prado, thats an HJ60, the finest landcruiser ever made (not that I'm biased of course!:icon-wink:)
They use landrovers coz only the bad guys would cut the lid off a cruiser like that .
machine guns..................wimps
The look on the other dogs face is priceless.

The look on the other dogs face is priceless.png
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Ah! but there is one extra outside the box. :icon-wink:
A stick? Sheer Luxury. All we had was a dead caterpillar that we had to share between 17 of us.

But we were 'appy.

Back in my day....jpg
Shame on him, - a Jap with a LR , should be "driving" a LC. interesting/amusing though.
Naa, classic example of rear diff failure. Front end pulled itself off the rest of the chassis.