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Help from the LC Club parcel to Spain.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
Country Flag
Pretty much as the title.

I have this box


Inside is a speedo I'm sending to @Dave2000. This will be the second attempt to send one as the first did arrive in Spain, only for some reason customs sent it back to the returns department in N Ireland where it couldn't seem to be found even though they had the tracking number. Investigations have revealed that it has been disposed of , you couldn't make it up.
.It has taken some time to find a satisfactory replacement since the first one I obtained couldn't be made to work in any situation but I have now got a working one packed in this box. I'm reluctant to use Royal Mail/Parcelforce due to their unreliability and industrial action especially as this will coincide with the Christmas extra volume.
I went to a local firm who add my parcels to theirs to send out with UPS only to be told they don't do international so I'm open to suggestions. One idea we had was to find someone travelling to Spain who could take it there and then post it internally.
I /we are open to suggestions from anyone out there who might have an idea how to overcome this issue.
I'd see if I could bung it in with a UK-Spain man with a van. Loads of them on FB.
I have a chap going to southern Spain Sunday
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I have a chap going to southern Spain Sunday

That sounds promising I am on the Murcia/Almeria coast sooooo? I am only just seeing this so sorry for the late reply. Of course it depends if @AndycruiserguyLomas can get the parcel to the guy before he leaves at such short notice, and if the PO is playing up, and 'guaranteed overnight delivery' seems to be a thing of the past with most major companies not really achieving their marketing 'BS' it's probably not worth taking a chance?

Anyway, costs covered and a 'drink' would be involved.....sea water aplenty here. :)


Having acted on Stu's offer I couldn't find courier service who could guarantee getting this parcel from Sheffield to Bristol before Monday morning which clearly would be too late.
" Next day" has turned into "2 working days" unfortunatly.
Having acted on Stu's offer I couldn't find courier service who could guarantee getting this parcel from Sheffield to Bristol before Monday morning which clearly would be too late.
" Next day" has turned into "2 working days" unfortunatly.

Good try Andy, but never mind, my fault for not logging on and seeing Stumogs (thanks for that) kind offer.

I think I will have to pay the cost to send it over by courier Andy, would you arrange that for me please? It is no good me doing it as I would not know when you are at home.

Many thanks.


Today by chance a customer of mine here in Spain who is presently in the UK is on her way back over in the next couple of weeks, Andy will send the parcel to her and she will bring it to me.

So fingers crossed. :pray:

