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Immobiliser problem.

Sorry not me but my computer stored the pics in wrong order then timed out several times trying to upload. First 2 sheets are duplicates. Then the page numbers are not in sequence. Should be 16,17,18. Not 16,18,17. Apart from that a very proud post. lol.

I talked many times to my contact at at Scorpion. He said this alarm type had acquired a bad reputation due to poor installs. Mine is still perfect but I dread the day it dies as I think alarm specialists are becoming a thing of the past.
I'm on the verge of ripping it out Frank, one more try following the official faultfinding
Yep,it definitely needs to come out, nothing is working to reset it. The alarm ecu is very hot as well when the batteries are connected.Surprisingly no fuses have blown.
Ah that's a pity it didn't work out. I would be interested to know the cost of a replacement including the fitting. Perhaps your specialist might be able to sort it or more likely interested in selling a new alarm.