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Karl Webster


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I have been a member of this forum since practically the beginning & have used Karl on the occasions that I have needed secondhand bits, he has ALWAYS come up trumps for me on price, service & helpfulness, he has really gone out of his way to assist.

He is an active member in all ways ( not just selling us bits), including attending / organising lincomb, Stratford meets amongst many others, this in my mind counts for a lot

He is a genuinely nice bloke with integrity, who doesn't push his parts business down our throats, and as most of us know, sits in the background willing to help any of us needing his services.

Long may his business thrive & I will certainly be using him as & when the need arises, and I hope others will continue to do so as well

Just a shame his website is down at the moment☹️

Thankyou Andy.
As said I do things how I do. Wether I continue to do it,well we shall see.

Either way my phones always on and always will be to cruiser nuts and I'll always get people out of the brown stuff. Most of my help is through advice though. If I could charge for that id be minted. As you all know though the money doesn't mean anything to me. I spend hours on the phone to customers for free. As for pushing.... That just isn't me.

Thanks again :)
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I have been a member of this forum since practically the beginning & have used Karl on the occasions that I have needed secondhand bits, he has ALWAYS come up trumps for me on price, service & helpfulness, he has really gone out of his way to assist.

He is an active member in all ways ( not just selling us bits), including attending / organising lincomb, Stratford meets amongst many others, this in my mind counts for a lot

He is a genuinely nice bloke with integrity, who doesn't push his parts business down our throats, and as most of us know, sits in the background willing to help any of us needing his services.

Long may his business thrive & I will certainly be using him as & when the need arises, and I hope others will continue to do so as well

Just a shame his website is down at the moment☹️

:text-+1: From me too.
Yep, several dealings with Karl, never met him, but always on the button with delivery and at the right price. Too quiet for his own good but everyone knows where he is when they need him.

A gent, if they haven't gone completely out of fashion!
Just like to add. Most of the guys I know through cruisers have become mates they arnt customers. I enjoy the social side a lot. Sorting the meets it doesn't take any doing but it's nice to get us together. I'll always be into the landcruiser seen in on way or another.
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Yep, several dealings with Karl, never met him, but always on the button with delivery and at the right price. Too quiet for his own good but everyone knows where he is when they need him.

A gent, if they haven't gone completely out of fashion!
Thanks Clive. Shame I'm not as quiet in real life. If you ever get to a meet you will be glad when your leaving lol
First interaction was when I was in Scotland heading to Lincomb and mentioned an issue. Turned up and Karl had brought all the parts he thought that was needed ( and more) and charged me a extremely fair price...

No more needs to be said really....
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If you've ever seen my 80 you've probably noticed both n/s doors are dented, that was from an aggressive tree at Lincomb, which also smashed the rear door window, and guess what? Karl just happened to have one in the back of his truck for which he charged me peanuts and fitted it as well. Top man.
If you've ever seen my 80 you've probably noticed both n/s doors are dented, that was from an aggressive tree at Lincomb, which also smashed the rear door window, and guess what? Karl just happened to have one in the back of his truck for which he charged me peanuts and fitted it as well. Top man.
I only bring a spare 80 on my trailer for you Chas. It always goes home with less parts on it than when it arrives. Lol
Aye, hes wasted plenty of tea bags on me. Come to my rescue on numerous occasions too, although he wont let me forget these...:thumbup:
Aye, hes wasted plenty of tea bags on me. Come to my rescue on numerous occasions too, although he wont let me forget these...:thumbup:

You bloody cost me money! And time! And relationship issues! I could go on lol.

Thinking about it. Have I actually ever sold you anything mike? Yep, I remember I sold you a set of rims 5 years ago then you swapped them with a better set with scrap tyres on so I had to pay to rid the tyres. Typical farmer type ... Lol
Well, I
Thanks Clive. Shame I'm not as quiet in real life. If you ever get to a meet you will be glad when your leaving lol
Well, I was meaning work-wise, but one day we'll meet up, I'll bring the truck over, give you all a laugh :lol:
Totally agree top bloke, always at the other end of the phone and has what you need.
Even gets his sister to drop bits of while he's on holiday :clap: