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My Walkaround video

Video did not work for me on IPAD but on PC no problem...

The video will not work if you are using Tapatalk and doesn't seem to work if you are using an iPad.

So don't now if its this site or a problem with iPad. I am using the BB code that Crispin gave me as the embed code from Vimeo doesn't work on this site.

Over to you IT fundi's to resolve, as IT is not my thang!
Bloody Hell !

I need a job in IT... dunno what they pay you guys so much money for honestly!

I've fixed it for all you iPad and Tapatalk users...

Gizza job guv, gowan gizza job !
Anyway - back in the real world - are those the gull wing units the guys on LCCSA were / are doing? Look very useful ...
No Doily, mine are not the same. I had a look at the LCCSA version and these are very different indeed. If all you want is a pop up door, then the LCCSA ones will give you that.

Really should have had them done from the outset, because they are really incredibly useful. I'm not sure just having the opening hatch is of any real use on its own, but having the additional storage space over the wheel arches, space that is usually not often fully utilised certainly is. Also incorporating a properly sorted croc/cutlery/tea/coffee/water/ etc etc unit greatly improves the overlanding experience.

The ability to get access to stuff that one needs, without ever needing to move stuff out of the way; from making a quick coffee/tea stop, to getting at tools or spare fluids was really what I was striving to achieve. Success !
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Any chance you could provide the link to vimeo as I can seem to find it and so cant download it. I am keen to save it in my future ideas folder.
Very nice, very nice indeed Lazz.... I like that a lot.

Have you, or anyone else, got a link to the gull wings on LCCSA?
Thanks Gary, only viewable to members.... I'm still waiting for my registration to be 'approved'.
No Doily, mine are not the same. I had a look at the LCCSA version and these are very different indeed. If all you want is a pop up door, then the LCCSA ones will give you that.
In what way are yours different Lazz?
In what way are yours different Lazz?

Different hinge arrangement
Different thickness of Aluminium
Different frame
Different open dimensions
Heavier duty strut

Now the LCCSA may be every bit as good, but the cost of the raw materials alone (for mine) was 70% of the cost the LCCSA ones are selling for. I had mine built to be a little more robust and cope with more abuse.

The LCCSA version is good enough if you're looking for a pop up window.
Owa!! Maiwhe! Asi va tarisa naka, neh madodha! Da ku tora amwe, ishe.
Chas that means the sun is out and no clouds in the sky
Yeah but in what language? I used google translate to Afrikaans just came out same.