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Namibia Part 4 published.

Enjoyable read, great pics and vids.
Excellent, makes me homesick for africa, ..........
Lovely pics and good write up thank you.
Great read and photos thanks. Enjoyed the pass video, the section starting 10mins in looked a fun tricky section.


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Thanks for the report and pics :thumbup:
Rocks. Some rocks. More rocks. Look a rock. Mind that rock. And that one. Oops another rock.

Basically, I think, that rocked.
Very lekker read! I think that cool spider that freaked you out is in fact a member of the Solifugae family (also called Sun spiders, coz they hate the sun) - fantastic little beasties!

Check this out -

There is no such thing as a cool spider Gary !!

When an infant, (i have an older brother by 9 years) my brother used to have a collection of Baboon spiders. Well according to `mother, she came home one day and found 5 of these behemoths crawling over me in the cot, and me in a state of hysteria having receive 2 bites.

I am proper phobic! Having had 3 daughters I even went to do the Spider phobia weekend at London Zoo, tried hypnosis and anything else that may work. Couldn't have a father more frightened of spiders than his girls!!!

Nada! I do have a morbid fascination though, as well as a sixth sense and can hear them walking on carpet in the dark !
I'm with you there. Spiders are Satan's messengers. Death to all arachnids. Four too many legs for my liking.