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What happened to spuds ????????????


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
I used to get maybe 10 chips out of a spud after peeling it but the crap you get nowadays are the size of baby tomatoes , we used to feed the stuff Tesco sell to cattle because it was worthless ! Was it the EU again ?
And Summers were always longer
There was snow in Winter
Two fruit salads for a ha'penny
Sherbert fountains were 4 pence
Walkers Snaps were thruppence a bag

And now I just buy bigger potatoes :lol:

Anyone know a decent Potato Merchant. I said DECENT
Oh no! Not a "When I was a lad: thread here on the LC forum! OK then........When I was a lad........

Opal fruits not Starburst
Marathon not Snickers
Black Jacks
A golly sticker and collectables with Robertsons Golden Shred.
A 3d Luckybag containing some sweets, a toy and a joke, all crap.
Sweet Cigarettes.
Horny Cadburys Flake adverts.

Oh to be young again!
Sweet cigs , i'd forgotten all about them , imagine the outrage if they released them now :lol:
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Mmmn, Flake adverts. Filth.

Oh yes and telly where it was fine to racially stereotype people and be overtly racist, use phrases like nig-nog, but you couldn't say tit, arse, bum or sh!t, EVER. Now, even Zebedee tells Florence she's a Hoe and she should suck his d1ck, f***g bitch, mother F***g sl@g and that's just on CBBC!

Spangles! the Cola ones. Big One, Bazooka Joe, Crackerjack popcorn, flying saucers, pineapple chunks. Rickets, diphtheria, consumption, proper potatoes. Spitfires in the sky, Bluebirds....White cliffs
Used to ride on the bus for 20p and top deck was smoking, where one could light up a B&H which cost less than £1 for a 10 pack with a box of matches!
Joanna Lumley was a posh tart i wanted to make her grunt even before i knew what it was for :lol:
I met her once Shayne, she's gorgeous.
Surprised you can remember back that far Chas. Well done!

It was a moment never to be forgotten Chris.
I met her once Shayne, she's gorgeous.

Lucky bugger she's infinitely well spoken blessed with poise and grace , elegant and refined (well she was) and every time i seen her i used to wonder what what the exterior veneer hid . Bet she was a wildcat in the bedroom :drool:

I guess she still is but time tends to dampen appeal .
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I met her at the Royal Opera House, her husband was one of our conductors, she was in her parked car, I crossed in front of it as she started the engine and I did an exaggerated jump, she thought I had been startled and got out to apologise. We had a little chat, she has such a sexy voice.
Surprised that nobody's mentioned "Wagon Wheels", and their demise...

...and Capstan Full Strength were 2/6 for 20 in my day, along with Senior Service and Players (all untipped of course). :icon-rolleyes:
And petrol was 4/9d a gallon . . four gallons and change for a quid.

However, quids were hard to come by.

Nowadays society worries about AIDS and Ebola . . Back then we had Polio :shock:.

And a pub meal was a pack of salted crisps and a pint of Guinness
I'm sure I can remember in the mid fifties petrol at 2/6d a gallon. Finding a ten bob note (remember them?) in the pocket of the trousers you wore last week meant a night out with the lads and enough left for the bus home, Ah! those were the days.
And petrol was 4/9d a gallon . . four gallons and change for a quid.

However, quids were hard to come by.

Nowadays society worries about AIDS and Ebola . . Back then we had Polio :shock:.


Polio and Rickets, the good old days...
10d for a big piece of cod and a 6 of chips :lol: petrol was 5/2 a gallon when I got my first car. Bazooka Joe chewing gum...