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Andy Lowe - Currently cruiser-less


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
Hello everyone!

I'm Andy, from Sunny Shropshire.
Not got a cruiser just yet - but thats where you lot can help. ;)
Previous 4x4s are Frontera, LR Discovery, and a couple of Shogun Mk2.
I am a member of CRAG, and have helped out in some 4x4Response things, but in the last couple of years, I've been a bit out of the loop, as we now have a young family. :)

I have very much enjoyed some gentle green laning, (ask J.Wildsmith for details!) the nice high up driving position, along with the feeling of driving something a little different to the 'family saloon'!

Been looking for the 'next motor' since forever, and would be pleased if it turned out to be a Land cruiser. I started looking for a 80 series, but maybe a 90 would be more sensible? :think:

Watch this space .....
Welcome Andy, 80s are a great all-rounder as you probably know but the 90 is the more "sensible" option as a family vehicle.
Hi Andy, you're a slow learner but welcome anyway :mrgreen:

A 90 is probably more along the lines of what you've been used to with your previous motors and they are very capable. An 80 will feel and is a bit more 'unstoppable' and tank like, which can appeal to the ladies once they've tried driving one and feel the respect they get from other road users. Some people on here have had both and will hopefully chip in with their words of wisdom :)
Jon Wildsmith said:
Hi Andy, you're a slow learner but welcome anyway :mrgreen:

Sorry for taking so long. :(

As I say, been occupied lots lately, so motoring 'hobbies' have had to take a break....