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Brain teaser.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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A boat has a ladder that has six rungs, each rung is 12” apart The bottom rung is 12” from the water. The tide rises 12” every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour. When the tide is at it’s highest how many rungs are under water?
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None, the boat rises with the tide
Another brain teaser,

A woman has two sons who were born on the same day at the same hour but they are not twins. How could this be so?
Scroll down for answer
The woman gave birth to triplets, two boys and a girl.
Yet another brain teaser.

How would you arrange the letters in the words ‘New door’ to make one word?
Note; there is only one correct answer.
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One word.

You can probably tell I am having a boring afternoon :lol:
6 Men have 6 baskets with 6 cats, each of the 6 cats have 6 kittens.

how many legs are there (and no its not a trick question)
pugwash said:
6 Men have 6 baskets with 6 cats, each of the 6 cats have 6 kittens.

how many legs are there (and no its not a trick question)
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Cossack said:
pugwash said:
6 Men have 6 baskets with 6 cats, each of the 6 cats have 6 kittens.

how many legs are there (and no its not a trick question)
Miscalulated :oops: 180
The problem is a bit vague - answer depends on whether there should be a few "each's" added ;)

If the question means "6 men have 6 baskets each with 6 cats in each basket, each of the cats have 6 kittens."
Then the answer is 6060 legs by my reckoning.

If the question is "6 men have 6 baskets collectively with 6 cats in each basket, each of the cats have 6 kittens."
Then the answer is 1020 legs.

I assume that the baskets don't sit on legs and all the humans and felines have their normal full complement of legs :doh: