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BT advanced digital home phone.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
We have fibre in to the house and have been forced to use digital phone from the router so all my extensions including the garage 100 metres away from the house now don't work as they are o the copper setup. No probs say BT they will send a cable to connect router with copper to the old BT master socket. After 2 calls no cable comes but an advanced digital BT home phone. No use to me because I have 4 extensions and am not digitally advanced. Reading the instructions looks like if you can master the handset it would look like childs play to land the lunar module.
So we are now on router phone with an old style phone in the porch where nobody goes but have a "splitter" and using extra loud bell as well. Fine? Phone goes thrice today. Firstly my wifes appointment with the doctor. They can't hear each other. My wife cant speak because she has dreadful cough and can't understand the doctor as she has heavy Indian accent and keeps breaking up, not the doctor the phone line. Secondly pick the phone up. Very loud and clear but somebody elses conversation and neither party can hear me. Throw the phone down. Thirdly complete silence, nothing no dialing tone no voice. Dial 1471 and it's my wifes friend trying to get through.
"Another" cable number 3 is coming. Keep the BT digital advance phone, throw it away or put it on ebay.