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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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As a driver I sometimes hate pedestrians and as a pedestrian I sometimes hate drivers, but no matter what my mode of transportation, I ALWAYS hate cyclists.
Cossack said:
As a driver I sometimes hate pedestrians and as a pedestrian I sometimes hate drivers, but no matter what my mode of transportation, I ALWAYS hate cyclists.

:thumbdown: Thanks !!! No all cyclists are the same just like there are a few richard heads that drive cars. Cant tar everyone with the same brush though. :naughty:
v8jeep said:
Cossack said:
As a driver I sometimes hate pedestrians and as a pedestrian I sometimes hate drivers, but no matter what my mode of transportation, I ALWAYS hate cyclists.

:thumbdown: Thanks !!! No all cyclists are the same just like there are a few richard heads that drive cars. Cant tar everyone with the same brush though. :naughty:

faid i have to agree with that ..... not all cyclists are the same .... :snooty: :snooty:
When I was at the Lakes last weekend I met a cyclist - a keen mountain biker - on one of the lanes who was very much on the 4x4 side. Seems like he was very irrate with all the access restrictions effect his hobby as well. You cannot paint all with the same brush.
paulm said:
im a cyclist :(
Well Paul, I hope you stop at red lights, don't cycle the wrong way down one way streets and don't cycle on the pavements :lol:
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Can somebody tell me why, that when our poor cash starved local authorities spend thousands & thousands creating silky smooth cycle lanes with pictures of cycles painted on the tarmac every 50 yards or so, SOME cyclists still drive on the road along side these special areas set aside for them.

Make insurance for pushbikes compulsory like it is for cars, and come to think of it why not charge them road tax too.

Whilst I understand that people may want to cycle, remember that in this day and age, by FAR the biggest majority of road users use motorised transport, surely this money spent on the bike lanes etc should go towards what the majority of people use..........ROADS!!!

BTW just have a look around my way on a Sunday morning & you will see the lycra clad, funny helmeted bike brigade carving up the traffic on roundabouts whilst racing..........isnt racing on the highway a big no no??

there, Ive said my bit!!

Andy said:
Can somebody tell me why, SOME cyclists still drive on the road along side these special areas set aside for them. there, Ive said my bit!! Andy
It's because a lot of them think 'I'ts MY road, I have every right to be here and I can do it', so there! :angry-screaming:
Cyclists are fine, but when your in big towns and citys they are a PITA. When you driving a 53 foor 44T lorry and turning left (or right for that matter) then seem to think it is ok to come up the side of you.

Now before anyone says anything I use to be a cyclists and yes I use to do over 30mph. But I never did the things they try to do now. When something goes wrong it is NEVER their fault.

Interesting, slightly out of date article:

The action plan states: "In 2008, 15 cyclists were killed, 430 were seriously injured and a further 2,757 cyclists sustained slight injuries while cycling on London's roads. In 2009 there were 13 fatalities, there were also 398 serious injuries and 2,998 slight injuries in the period from January to November 2009."

Now if that was someone tampering with saline in a hospital or a school shooting, there would be outrage. But one at a time, no one takes any notice. "Well it's a chance you take if you ride on modern city roads isn't it?" There are around 140 work related deaths in the UK each year and we have the Health and Safety Executive there to monitor and manage. Someone clearly thinks that's worth fighting for. So how many cyclists are killed across the whole of the UK? Bet it's more than that. When I Googled it, the top three hits were dedicated cycle injury compensation lawyers.

Funny thing, 'outrage' it's a social thing. Child drowns in canal and people blame parents for letting them play there unsupervised - and no one wants canals filled in. Kid knocked off bike, blame the driver, 10 die of food poisoning, blame the dead people for eating clearly dodgy food, 3500 people killed in RTC each year - well that's driving. The thing with outrage is that there has to be an almost collective view. Problem is that the collective view is often one that is fed to us by the media and not what we think ourselves. Take Princess Di's death. Would there have been quite such the (bizarre) outpouring if the headlines hadn't been 'A nation mourns' or something like that? Politicians' expenses - now there WAS outrage. Why - 'cos it was our money. That's why.

No point to this rant except to say that public response is entirely fickle and depends very much on what your view point is. The overwhelming majority of people are against fox-hunting - let's say. Actually, it the overwhelming majority of people who could be sufficiently bothered to express an opinion that they were against fox-hunting is closer to the truth just as the other overwhelming majority of people who were for it. The other 60 million people were watching Corrie at the time wondering what was for tea and who'd be on match of the day.

As lad, I cycled from Chesterfield to Bournemouth with 2 mates. Never felt unsafe. No incidents, roads pretty quiet. Now - I wouldn't cycle to the local shops. It's deadly. It does make me cross to see many cyclists behave the way they do especially in London. It's a dangerous place where car drivers look less than competent to me. No wonder they get knocked off and no one really cares. Not even the programme makers.

Right, off to do something useful.

on that note i'm heading out for a training cycle. no red lights to jump, but plenty of places to go over 30mph :D

please dont knock me down if you see me, i'm the one in the lycra with the silly helmet on! :D