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eu in or out poll

The workforce is still british, the management changed, hence bad management, the work force at toyota and nissan, are british. Some of the most technically advanced cars on the planet are made in this country, f1 cars. Please dont tell me we cant knock up a good family saloon.. bmw kept hold of the mini brand and made a succsess off it. A no brainer, kids stuff really.. so i see were still being negative? Germany is not a cheap place to produce things, but they make quality. Nothing we cant do.
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The workforce is still british, the management changed, hence bad management, the work force at toyota and nissan, are british. Some of the most technically advanced cars on the planet are made in this country, f1 cars. Please dont tell me we cant knock up a good family saloon.. bmw kept hold of the mini brand and made a succsess off it. A no brainer, kids stuff really.. so i see were still being negative? Germany is not a cheap place to produce things, but they make quality. Nothing we cant do.

Absolutely nothing we can't do. But starting a mass-produced car manufacturer with from scratch with no history or brand is a massive task without a huge protected market. Somewhere like India or China. It would be a really huge investment to develop and produce something new, with a long payback period and uncertain ROI. I can't see it happening without some sort of nationalised industry and I don't see any appetite for that in the UK.

Appreciate anyone suggesting somethings are sensible goals are now branded negative. This week's scaremonger. I think we can develop as a manufacturing base but it's not going to be by knocking up a mass market copies of stuff loads of people are very mature in the market with. It'll be innovative. Getting kids into maths and science and IT and sowing the seeds. And putting in place the environment for ideas to grow. No good just having tech startups in East London. That just continues the imbalances we have now.
The workforce is still british, the management changed, hence bad management

It's not the same guys who wouldn't change working patterns in the 70s and 80s though is it? These are new people who saw their parents lose their jobs when they didn't support the world moving around them.
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I have spent much of this evening reading American news regarding Brexit makes a refreshing change to see it reported with casual indifference instead of with frantic hype and prejudice .

I particularly like this quote from Obama

"This will be a moment when all of Europe says, 'Let's take a breath and let's figure out how do we maintain some of our national identities, how do we preserve the benefits of integration and how do we deal with some of the frustration that our own voters are feeling.'"

The common market maybe ?
But... What if the EU play hardball. They put tariffs on our stuff. We put tariffs on theirs. Assuming not many people stay manufacturing in the UK because lets face it they are here as a way to get into Europe tariff free, then all that happens in cars cost more here. We'll still buy them.

Also the negotiations need, I think, 20 out of 27 countires to agree. Yes, we mean a lot to Germany, about 8% of their exports I think. For for everyone else I think we are less than 5% of the economy. The mistake is to compare our imports from the whole EU with our exports. In reality it only makes a big difference to a few places, and they only get 1 vote each.

The 7th largest company on the FTSE, Vodaphone is mumbling about moving it's HQ to Europe.
This is after a we gave them a generous tax break, I think the low tax prinicipalities and havens in Europe should start throwing a few skyscrapers up to prepare for all the relocated HQ's
Manufaturing is tricky to move with the likes of the Nissan plant in Sunderland etc, but an office with computers, servers, and a few conference rooms ... hell you could move them overnight.
That's the big danger...
Just chanced upon this which i think gives an indication of the falsity that lies beneath the polished veneer of the EU's corporate commercial empire .

An extract
"property prices would need to fall by up to 40% , or household income grow at ten times its current pace for the next five years in order to bring the ratio back to balance"
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Anyone seen this

European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit
EUROPEAN political chiefs are to take advantage of Brexit by unveiling their long-held plan to morph the continent’s countries into one GIANT SUPERSTATE, it has emerged yesterday.
Responding to the plot Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski raged: "This is not a good solution, of course, because from the time the EU was invented a lot has changed.
“The mood in European societies is different. Europe and our voters do not want to give the Union over into the hands of technocrats.
“Therefore, I want to talk about this, whether this really is the right recipe right now in the context of a Brexit."
There are deep divides at the heart of the EU at the moment over how to proceed with the project in light of the Brexit vote.
Some figures have cautioned against trying to force through further political integration, warning that to do so against the wishes of the European people will only fuel further Eurosceptic feeling.
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Say what you like about Nigel Farage, but he is one of the only politicians with the balls to stand up and put our hopefully, former EU dictators in their place! :clap:

This is his speech from yesterday which I've found most media outlets are refusing to show:

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Say what you like about Nigel Farage, but he is one of the only politicians with the balls to stand up and put our hopefully, former EU dictators in their place! :clap:

This is his speech from yesterday which I've found most media outlets are refusing to show:

Most media outlets, but not say, the one with its banner along the bottom of the recording? It was on every broadcast from that media outlet I saw yesterday.

Yeah, way to go Nige. Piss off all the poeple that we need to negotiate a good settlement with. That'll help our cause.
Say what you like about Nigel Farage, but he is one of the only politicians with the balls to stand up and put our hopefully, former EU dictators in their place! :clap:

This is his speech from yesterday which I've found most media outlets are refusing to show:

Erm that was all over the news yesterday evening, certainly on the "censored/government pro BBC" that folk are screaming about.

What a smug tosser Farage is, what exactly is his mandate to represent the British people? He certainly does not represent me and for that fact I recon most Brexit voters. Instead of trying to smooth things over he pokes them in eye with a stick and says told you so.... common.
Just chanced upon this which i think gives an indication of the falsity that lies beneath the polished veneer of the EU's corporate commercial empire .

An extract
"property prices would need to fall by up to 40% , or household income grow at ten times its current pace for the next five years in order to bring the ratio back to balance"

Go on, I'll bite. I usually do. How is an impending house price crash related to the EU and their polished veneers? The article does state explicitly very little of this will be due to Brexit.
BBC recorded it but all the media I've seen have refused to show it and have instead shown a 10 second clip of Junker telling him to tone it down a bit and 10 seconds of the other mp's booing him, both with the BBC logo on the bottom. But I'm yet to see any media outlet showing the full video I posted above. :icon-rolleyes:

Have you watched the full video Rob?

Another good video of him from yesterday, this time on Fox News.

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Ah, Faux news... which is how I've heard lots of American's refer to it as...

Ten News here showed a good segment of Farage's speech where he says about being elected 15 years ago with the mandate of getting out of Europe - interestingly there were some in the chamber who applauded him as well as those booing him, and then the Junkers bollocking for "what are you doing here then?"
Apologies if i got that bit wrong guys. Was just going off what I had seen on media and from watching the news channels. :icon-redface:

I still enjoyed watching his full speech though, I'm sure after 15 years of them mocking him he enjoyed telling them what he thinks! :icon-biggrin:
Have you watched the full video Rob?


I watched it live yesterday. It's 8 minutes long, thats why the whole thing isn't on news broadcasts. It has nothing to do with censorship. No one gets 8 minuutes from parliament on 30 minute TV bulletins.

He started making some sensible points. Then started laying into people about having never worked (him having been an MEP from the last 19 years), and saying stuff like hundreds of thousands of German car workers would lose their jobs if we had tariffs, harking back to the made-up numbers from the Brexit campaign and detroying his, and our credibility. Of course this is the inflamatory bit and unfortunately TV news likes voxpops and controversy, so he has no one but himself to blame for those bits getting covered. Its the same for everyone though.