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GREEN LANES (Back to tarmac)

karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Someone i know has just posted this on facebook. Is anyone going?


I've lifted this from the West Wales Laning (WWL) group's Facebook page, but it relates to the Peak District and the Back to Tarmac campaign. If you're thinking about going, please contact Dale Wyatt on the WWL page.

The Peak and Derbyshire Vehicle Users Group (PDVUG) is an umbrella group representing the national organisations of the TRF, GLASS and LARA together with a number of local groups of trail riders and 4x4 drivers.
We are engaged in a battle with the Peak District National Park to keep the green lanes open for our use, fighting against the Park’s policy of yielding to the pressure of local people and closing the best lanes to recreational vehicles through the use of TROs.

Three days of action called ‘Back to Tarmac’ are planned between now and the New Year, on Sundays: 21 October, 25 November and 30 December. Please come and spend a day in the Peak District and whilst you are here, join us in making our presence felt (legally and orderly but with as many vehicles as possible) in a few key villages in the Peak.

The objective is to encourage local residents, who are unaware of the issue, to contact the Peak Park and lobby on our behalf for the lanes to be kept open to enable us to avoid clogging the ordinary roads.

The idea is that if enough recreational bikes and vehicles are driving about at ‘lane speeds’, stopping and parking-up on the tarmaced roads, filling car parks and generally being very visible in village centres, then it will highlight to the local people the impact of closing the lanes and moving us all onto the roads. By ‘lane speeds’ we mean demonstrating clearly the voluntary code of conduct by driving on the ordinary roads slowly at a similar speed to that you would on a lane, in groups of 4 vehicles or 6 bikes.Our first Back to Tarmac day on 21 October is less than 2 weeks away. We plan to meet up at Ashford-in-the-Water (1.5 miles west of Bakewell just off the A6) near the octagonal shelter by the church (grid ref SK 194 696) from around 10.00am, where we will be providing notices for rear windows of 4x4s and tabards for trail riders to explain our situation to following drivers. Our suggestion is for groups to drive a circuit around some of the key villages:

Leave Ashford on the A6020, head for Great Longstone - Little Longstone (Monsal Head) - north to Wardlow - Foolow - Grindlow - Great Hucklow - Little Hucklow - head north on minor road - after 0.25 mile turn east at grid ref SK 161 790 - B6049 to Bradwell - Brough - east on A6187 to Hathersage - there turn south on B6001 - after 0.7 mile turn west on minor road to Leadmill & Abney - through Gt Hucklow (again) - south to Tideswell on B6049 - Millers Dale - Blackwell - cross the A6 loop through Taddington - Bakewell via the A6.
Not sure but 100s of bikes and landies clogging up the local roads might not get the locals on-side. I also foresee a few frustrated "normal" drivers having words with the 4x4ers and then the "big bad 4x4ers" looking really bad while arguing with Betty in her green, tree friendly car.
From what i could make of it.I think its some properly organised drive.I may be wrong.
Its been organised by glass and other 4x4 clubs you can either sit at home on your backside and whine on the net about our hobby becoming exstinict and nobody will notice, as thats what is happening in the peak district 24 lane closures are proposed or get out there and protest.Its up to you if you want to carry on with your hobby . Or trade in your crusier for an IQ.
Its been organised by glass and other 4x4 clubs you can either sit at home on your backside and whine on the net about our hobby becoming exstinict and nobody will notice, as thats what is happening in the peak district 24 lane closures are proposed or get out there and protest.Its up to you if you want to carry on with your hobby . Or trade in your crusier for an IQ.

I say, I say, thats a tad harsh Munster...Not everyone with a 4x4 is interested, or into green laning! I'm not sure that blocking roads by crawling along, parking up and filling local carparks will necessarily "enlighten" the locals to your plight.. more likey "enrage" them IMHO.

Sadly most of the population think 4x4 oweners(who are not farmers) are a bunch of environmentaly unfirendly, careless and selfish bunch who have little care for the countryside they exploit.

I'm not suggesting that those who love the sport don't attend and protest... but remember its not everyones hobby on here!
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Although I think protesting and action is good, I can see how this may backfire. I hope it doesn't though.

I suppose raising the issue is good. Thing is you need Joe public on your side, but I fail to see how anyone in those villages being overrun by 4x4's is going to be sympathetic to the cause.

Alas I do think the writing is on the wall for green laning.
hey, I like my iQ (not...)

I think the point has been made more eloquently by Tony and olazz. People who live out in the sleepy villages do so for a reason. Having it swamped with buttercup killing 4x4s is not going to get them onside. Just can't see it winning the hearts of the local public.

What it will do is make it obvious to those making the decisions that there are people who care about the lanes staying open which I guess is the aim. GLASS is a good organisation and does fight for the lanes but I think this one might need the message changed slightly. Clogging the local roads is not going to make the locals fight your cause to keep the things open which attracted you in the first place.

Not knocking it though, make your grievance known.
I knew there would be people who would not like my post but as i here so many moaning that there are fewer and fewer places to drive there cruiser (green lanes) but are not prepared to go out and do anything about it. The ramblers have mass demonsrations in the Peak district to close lanes and the locals never seem to mind they block roads and cause traffic hold ups. They broke the law to get access to footpaths i think we should be prepared to put ourselves out a little bit. If you dont use your 4x4 for greenlaning offroading in this country but use it for overlanding lets hope the places you visit dont do the same thing and nobody there bothers.
I can only echo what others have said, it won't matter how well behaved the 4x4 protestors are, the very fact of them being there in great numbers I think is not going to endear them to the hearts of the locals. :think:
Munster has a point about the ramblers. I was not so very long ago that walkers and ramblers congregated en masse to the peak district. I can't recall exactly what went on but it was a huge march for open land access or something. Why should we be any different just because we are warm and dry. (Unless you'r driving a LR)
I don't see how having loads of annoying 4x4's clogging up the black stuff could possible make things any worse than they already are and I can guarantee that doing nothing won't improve things. I might join in just for the hell of it even though I don't go laning any more :icon-evil:
I only asked if anyone was going :clap:

Well, Like martin said people who green lane just sit back and let these lanes close.Why? Because like me we think its a downhill fall as some of the older boys already know.

Well this is one of the very few chances we have of doing something. We already have a bad name from a small amount of people who ruin it. So does it really matter??
I think part of the problem is that nobody does anything anymore...Remember all the protests there were when petrol was about to hit £1 a litre. Now we are hovering aroung £1.50 and no one seems to give a damn. A protest isn't a protest unless someone is agrivated or inconvienienced by it. In my opinion "we" should not have to panda to the locals here as it should be a decision based solely on the damage to the environment. I m sure there was some consultation when the M25 or Heathrow's latest runway was built but at the end of the day it was up to the powers that be to make the decision. Many people I am sure were opposed to the ideas but there were deemed to be in the interests of the country. These decisions should be made along similar lines. If we are destroying these places with our 4X4's then fair enough but I all the decision is based on is some fuddy duddy sat in a cottage in the middle of nowhere then that is what gets my back up.....

All that being said..If I can make it I will be there. I hate being opressed in any form. "Cant Find soap box ssmiley"
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Edmund Burke

Stand up, make a bloody noise and let em know they are bang out of order.