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Spain seat belt legislation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Country Flag
Just a quick heads up if anyone is contemplating driving through Spain this year. There has always been quite a lackadaisical view from the public here about the wearing seat belts, and putting kiddies in the correct seat types/boosters, this despite the threat of quite heavy fines 300 euros (£230.00) per child for example. Last week a serious campaign has been started, and is aimed at enforcement of the belt and restraints legislation. It seems there are NO WARNINGS, and it will be an 'on the spot' fine.

If you are non resident, then the fine will be payable there and then. In the event you have no 'effectivo' (cash), they (Guardia Civil) in the past, used to escort you to an ATM for you to draw the money out. The last couple of years has seen the c/card readers mounted in the rear of cars to take the money immediately. In the event of non payment a worse case scenario can result in a night in the cells and your car confiscated until the debt is cleared!

Recently local police have been given additional powers, this means they too can now set up speed traps and then fine you again on the spot, these powers include giving fines for no belts etc. Other legislation means a copy of your passport/driving licence and so forth are no longer acceptable as forms of ID, non production of an original licence is an automatic 150 euro fine (about £115.00). The reason your original licence has to be with you is simple, so they can confiscate it and send it to the UK authorities to be endorsed!

I think I have mentioned in the past, the 'over the limit' maximum used to be 15 kph, it has been reduced to 8 kph, if you are seen speeding and regardless if you were stopped or not (number plate recognition here now), you could return home to a nice fine and a letter from DVLA with your replacement licence having some extra ink on it!

Most people run 'along the top' of Spain when going through to Portugal/Morocco but I am in the South but, if you plan on being down this way feel free to PM me before you go for a phone number, if you get stuck I will help with whatever I can.


Thanks for the heads up Dave, I will be travelling from Bilbao to Barcelona and back in August so will ensure we are belted up and not speeding....:icon-biggrin:
And of course its all in the name of safety, not about raising money at all. :eusa-naughty:
Most people run 'along the top' of Spain when going through to Portugal/Morocco but I am in the South but, if you plan on being down this way feel free to PM me before you go for a phone number, if you get stuck I will help with whatever I can.



Very nicely offered Dave. A network of willing helpers is great.
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