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Use of a dash cam could land you in jail.….!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2014
Country Flag
According to The Express, (and we know just how measured and accurate they can be) use of dash cams in some countries in Europe is illegal. Even ownership in some of them can land you a fine.

Hopefully this will turn out to be comic book journalism, but if it is indeed true, care may be needed when travelling abroad.
I’ve just read the link, and further investigations appear to support all that the article implied.

Austria certainly seems to be a no, no.

Illegal to have an operating camera in a vehicle or “public place” which means it would be illegal to film / record your family walking through a park in Austria, WTF!

Of course all to do with privacy laws, so what protects you also restricts what you do...

Take care, because there’s a longer list of countries where it’s an offense to upload such videos to social media channels such as you toob.
Or this forum I suppose…
So we've got speedster Chas and Nick the Vid as fugitives…:lol:
The speedster has to be caught first, but Nick goes straight to Jail, doesn’t even pass “GO”... :lol:
Seems a bit stiff on the money front but what about the cars that come with crash cams Built In or are they built to a local market and then you could go to town centre cams or even the facial recognition cams at some airports but i spose the ones used by local police are ok to be used against you so that you Can Pay The MASSIVE Fine Just stand me against a wall and shoot me as i cant pay the fine
Used mine recently in Portugal and might well have needed it due to the awful drivers there. Standards suddenly dropped through the floor on entering Portugal from Spain. (Not the sea lol).

Terrible use of English in that article. The writer clearly needs to go back to school for a damn good caning.
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Fbnss the i dont have a dash just does not wash just seen your Dubrovnic vid taken on a camera mounted on Your Dash edited by you your words and then posted on social media by you yet again and now we have to eagerly await the second instalment to be edited and posted by you more of your words Trev and Rosy have found their offroading Lee Harvey Oswald or you could change your name to Patsy
Dash cams are very useful and I am seeing a lot more fitted to cars in the uk, however there is some truth to the article, here is another link.
This is the rub Nick, these countries get themselves in a tangle by not having clear or interpretable legislation, all the more fees for the lawyers, in my book.

Like I said, as it’s privacy laws that prevent someone from recording, it’s not only dash cams that come under the hammer, but posting on the media web any video shot in a public place will be suspect, unless you do that wobbly fuzzy thing in everyone else’s face and number plate.

Even google earth street view is forbidden in Austria I read...
Ah what the hell think it said the Use Of and you used and the evidence trail has got YOU purchasing a carnet and entering said Austrian country admitting your mighty guilt now taking one for the team should stand you in good stead with the Club Membership not too sure if the Austrians will understand and arrest you the next time you are in their country for Crimes Commited Living Off The Grid could be your only option good job you are already set up for this best bet now is to fill you tank fridge and say goodbye Harsh it may be but its the only way France Portugal Spain and a ferry trip might and i mean might keep you from prison time
Ah what the hell think it said the Use Of and you used and the evidence trail has got YOU purchasing a carnet and entering said Austrian country admitting your mighty guilt now taking one for the team should stand you in good stead with the Club Membership not too sure if the Austrians will understand and arrest you the next time you are in their country for Crimes Commited Living Off The Grid could be your only option good job you are already set up for this best bet now is to fill you tank fridge and say goodbye Harsh it may be but its the only way France Portugal Spain and a ferry trip might and i mean might keep you from prison time
that sounds totally awesome, ill be sure to document my, travels!

Ps. Theyre running a little slow, not done me for last years yet.
I read an article a while back when that Austrian bloke was rumbled for Imprisoning a girl for years in his basement and the suggestion was that the Austrian obsession with privacy means people don’t question what others are up to and are reluctant to report what they do see. It was suggested it was one of the reasons why atrocities in WW2 appeared to go ‘unnoticed’ by the local population, soldiers, civilians etc. Do as your told, don’t snoop and don’t report
Incidentally, it is illlegal to have a screen that can be seen by the driver in France.
That includes satnavs, dashcams, phones etc

Evidently it is not a requirement of modern journalism that you are actually literate. One of the most badly written articles I’ve ever seen!
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