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Windows 10 inciting GBH


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Can anyone give me the name and address of a windows executive near me ?
Walk up stairs open window and throw it.
I will make them eat both laptops their forced update has broken .

It killed the keyboard on one and introduced a password which i never had and don't know which i must enter with the broken keyboard before i can use even recovery options .

The other will not recognize the known password and will not allow "forgotten password" or reset because i must first connect to the internet - How can i connect to the internet if i cant get on the computer ????
Maybe on the daughters laptop but i will take it to her house and see if it connects automatically to her Internet first . My own windows update has destroyed because it prevents battery charge or power .
The update prevents power? hmmm...

The battery should be able to charge even with the laptop turned off shouldnt it, ie when windows is not running.

Are you saying the update did something to fk the hardware so it literally wont charge?
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Oddly enough, I had similar with my old laptop, that went haywire after updates, and although the green light was on the charger, it stopped charging/operating
In the main, mine was always plugged in when used so battery didn't go down every time.
It did run for a bit in safe mode, before it stopped charging, but I got the arse with it, bought a tablet and smashed the laptop into oblivion in the yard. BFH job !!
That was a great feeling, and funny enough calmed me down to be done with all that shit,
I think that Android geezer and his mates are programmed by the government to f... us up !
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If i take the whole laptop apart for long enough it seems to forget the update so when i put it all back together its plugged in a charging . Once fully charged and keeping it plugged in i then try to fix my keyboard which was killed by a previous/connected update .

Twice i've had everything working apart from the keyboard (how do you open device manager with no keyboard ?) for more than a couple of hours .

Then the forced update starts installing which kills a perfectly good and fully charged battery in a few minutes while plugged in with a perfectly good charger .
I fixed keyboard by changing the driver in device manager twice in the week prior to this latest fiasco
I can buy the same laptop used on ebay for around £700
It's always a gamble, especially with electronic items, that may work now, but later who knows
Lol that wasn't what i meant , fix it and flog it is where i'm at now , upgrade to a used £200 military spec windows 7 laptop .
Print off emails and a CD drive so i can install microsoft works to write letters is about all i need .
I tried that office thing once and decided its very helpful for people who can't read or write .
It works because you install it from a cd and thats it no updates or nonsense to bugger it up .

I chucked the works 8 disk because win10 wouldn’t recognise it I think