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80 Series repair panels?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
Hi all

Well after a bit of soul searching we decided to stick with our current 80 series and fettle it to get a few more years out of the old girl. So over the next few weeks it'll be new tyres, sort out the exhaust properly and get on top of the bodywork. Looking around it properly over the weekend I found a couple of areas that will need proper attention - in addition to the usual bubbling around the tailgate glass I've found some rot in the rear sill/corner panel (normally hidden behind the rear door/wheel arch extension) and a couple of patches under the back bumper corner caps. :(

My question is: does anyone make repair panels for these areas (the rear quarter panels that is) or is it a case of getting a body shop make up the repair panels from sheet steel?

Any and all advice welcome (Karl - will get back to you asap re that bonnet too!!).


Dave S
I haven't heard of anyone making repair panels, I doubt there'd be enough demand. I had a similar sounding repair to do on my 80 (now Gary's) and bought a section cut from a scrap 80 that a local place used as a template to make some repair sections. Just done that repair and it worked well. You shouldn't need repair panels for the bits behind the bumper they are quite a simple shape and another very common place to rot unnoticed untill really bad. Check the edges of the rear wheel tubs where they meet the outer panel they are often rotten as well but go unnoticed as they're well hidden. The outer panel is usually ok, just the tub needs a strip cutting off round the edge and weld a new strip on, tedious but not very hard to do.
Thanks Jon. I thought I was being hopeful on the panels front, but on the basis that Yota sold lots of these, and they seem to last well apart from a few usual rust traps, I wondered whether anyone had starting making/supplying them locally. I found references to repair panels in the US and Aus for various LC models... ah well, guess we'll be doing it the hard way!

Agree with your comments re under the bumper - TBH I'm not going to lose sleep if these aren't pretty, as long as its solid.

I am looking for a right hand rear inner wheel arch down to the sill, Jon's right, you just do not see the panels advertised for these. May have to go second hand or have them formed. Might be worth contacting some of the suppliers on here Dave_S?

