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Bloody Beeb.

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
They've annoyed me again. They are taking advantage of the mobile phone instead of deploying a proper camera. I saw better pictures from the Moon in 1969. If it was the dawn of television in the thirties I'd have said "We're not quite there yet lads".
Agree with you Frank. I also find it very annoying. Video production and transmission technology has made gigantic leaps forward and yet broadcasters in general, not just the beeb, sometimes see fit to use equipment that does not produce output of a high quality. Its one thing to have a by stander record an event on a mobile phone and send it in to broadcaster and quite another to have a pro reporter on site use the same technology - its almost as if they want us to believe that the reporters are operating in difficult and primitive conditions in the back of beyond - only to actually being in some major city or location. Even overlanders carry more professional equipment on trips to remote areas and produce superior quality output- as can be seen on U-Tube and the like.
It always annoyed me the theatrical muppets never did work out that characters depicted from any era in history regardless of what was to be depicted might not have been wearing brand spanking new clean and pressed tailor made to fit outfits :icon-rolleyes: