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" end of joint pain"

frank rabbets

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
Just seen an advert for the end of joint pain on this site. What a relief that will be for me. Yippee Hurray it's all over. A new life lies ahead . I bet the NHS are completely relieved now there will be no more joint pain. Enough funds now to cure everything else in one hit. I wonder why it has not hit the headlines yet.
Copper bracelets Frank , cheapest ones you can get , they work
Copper bracelets Frank , cheapest ones you can get , they work

I've been wearing one for over a year now and haven't noticed any difference, maybe I should take it off for a while and note.
It's hard to rate chronic pain because its permanent but chuck the copper in a drawer Chas and i hope you remember where you left it when the pain eventually invades your conscious thoughts .
Thankfully, I'm not a sufferer...... Yet!

My time will come I presume, did all the wrong things as a youth, so I think it's inevitable. I'm noting any advice.... :shifty:
Falling off motorbikes in the 60's was my mistake. Nobody bothered with helmets or body protection. The worst time I fell off I went to hospital with injured left knee. The pain was unbearable as I had ruptured my ACL, medial cartilage and torn medial ligaments. In those days nothing could be done so I'm still walking round with the damage. When you see footballers writhing round in a agony after having ACL injury they are not joking. The following link describes my injury.
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My first one was given to me in an offhand gesture by my sister , i'd been in hospital for the best part of a year and she said i hope you don't end up like grandad , he should have had a hip replacement in his 40's and he died at 76 without ever having the op , his shoe was built up at least 4 inches and he wore 4 copper bracelets ankles and wrists . I didn't give it much thought until it broke and i threw it in the bin . The following day i emptied 4 bin liners of rubbish out and routed through it until i found the 2 half's and put them on my ankle so they could be held with my sock . That's how i know they work .

And Clive i discussed this with my Surgeon , he is the best in his field , a young looking 50 maybe and never had a broken bone in his life , he wears them now .
Exercise is the key Clive. Illogically enough the more you do the longer the joints last. That's because strong muscles support the joints. The cause of joint pain is either damage or your DNA which determines the rate of their deterioration.

Pain relief can be obtained by smoking your joints.:icon-biggrin:.
Very true Frank i'm told i need to exercise or my knee will collapse but in the next breath they tell me the joint is wearing away faster than a 95 year old mans so i should stay off it :think: , ignore it and get on with life is what i say and my surgeon loves me for it .
At the age of 17 I was told I would have severe arthritis in my knee by the time I was 40. At the age of 40 I had an mri scan which showed my joint having the age of a 25 year old!! Nearly 68 now and hardly any pain at all.
At the age of 50 I started counting backwards so I'm 39 now. My joints can go on ahead if they like, I'm heading back to 30, if I can get that far before I'm 70 :lol:.
Well ive just been diagnosed with arthritis in my shoulder and im only 34 im pretty sure its the falling off of many motox bikes in my youth. So i might be investing in some copper bracelets. im a plumber so does it count that im touching copper most days:icon-biggrin:
Yeah falling off motorbikes. I woke up once on my back with my head against a tree. WTF where am I. Fallen off again. Nobody around so rode on.

Joints can begin to show wear in ones 20's on exray/mri etc. Pain occurs typically 40's onwards.
I've fallen of bikes, or crashed them, more times than I can remember but strangely enough I don't seem to get pain in the bits that were injured at the time.
Well ive just been diagnosed with arthritis in my shoulder and im only 34 im pretty sure its the falling off of many motox bikes in my youth. So i might be investing in some copper bracelets. im a plumber so does it count that im touching copper most days:icon-biggrin:

Nobody knows why it works Joe but my own personal theory is it has something to do with the corrosion , after a sweaty day it takes a fair bit of scrubbing to get the green off which suggests to me some of it must be absorbed into the body . I took the mickey out of my surgeon for wearing them asking if he believes in voodoo as well , in reply he said "we don't know everything yet"
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"we don't know everything yet"

I like that! It epitomizes man's status on everything, and even when admitted, it's underestimated and understated.

We may know a lot, but not everything, and only when we do know everything will we realize how much we didn't know! :lol:

"If only we had known...."
it takes a fair bit of scrubbing to get the green off which suggests to me some of it must be absorbed into the body.
If I wipe the inside of my copper band I will get green stuff, but none appears on my wrist, even after wearing it for well over a year which should be enough time to wear off any coating that may have been there to stop tarnishing when new. I wonder why that is?
There are copper alloys that may not work as well as pure copper. That may be your situation Chas. I wore one once for "prevention" but the verdigris became annoying so I stopped. If I had been in pain, I would have continued with it, but...
That would explain it Clive, I shall try to get a pure copper one and try that.
It's ironic Chas but the best ones are the cheapest and they are not easy to find , it won't have a pattern on it because the copper is too soft the ones i look for i can bend using only my little fingers , i think i found my last set hanging on a 99p display rack in a chemist along with a bunch of fake jewelry for kids .