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Fun water crossing

Gary Stockton

Super Moderator
Sep 10, 2012
Country Flag

:shock: :shock: :shock: :o

noticed he was trying to reverse back out for most of it!
bet the other landcrusier didnt try it in the end!

and lots water came out when door opened :D
Similar theme.
I never understand the rational behind this type of thing!

Why on earth would one drive a vehicle into water, up to the windshield, with the resultant damage that this causes to everything inside..

As a matter of survival, then ok.... But just for kicks or bravado?

Stupidity IMHO.
Olazz said:
I never understand the rational behind this type of thing!

Why on earth would one drive a vehicle into water, up to the windshield, with the resultant damage that this causes to everything inside..

As a matter of survival, then ok.... But just for kicks or bravado?

Stupidity IMHO.

LOl, I have not fitted a Snorkel to mt 80 series (I have had one here for 4 years!!). But when I was a Land Rover I often hat water almost to the top of the wind screen, just ask Keith!!! It is not for kicks or bravado, but if the time is needed when you have to. How do you know if it is going to work and you know what to do?

AndyCook said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :o

noticed he was trying to reverse back out for most of it!
bet the other landcrusier didnt try it in the end!

and lots water came out when door opened :D

I have absolutely no experience of water crossings, however *I think* he may have put it in reverse so that the wheels acted as rotors to get him out from the wooded bank and back on track?

I can imagine if you had tyres with side lugs like those Insa's (Chris has for sale) - it would be like a paddle steamer!
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it is okay not to understand why some people do what they do.
i don't understand the thrill of crawling over dog house size rocks and accomplishing 1/4 mile of trail in 8 hours but to each their own. :roll:

i do water crossings, sometimes you misjudge the depth and suddenly you are over the hood. life goes on. :shock:

i am guessing that he didn't expect the butt end to float and instead of calling it quits and killing the engine (water flows back up the exhaust, through open exhaust valves and hydrolocking the cylinder :doh: ) he manouvered nicely and out the other side.

talent or luck :think:
I enjoy watching these types of things when they get posted.

I enjoy water myself but have never done anything like that.

Maybe tony can do us a water crossing at lincomb :think:

Ok.. so other than using the exhaust as a jet propulsion system and tyres as paddles.... did he actually just wait to sink enough to get traction on the bottom??? That's pretty cool :lol:

Not sure it matters about the reason - just looks like fun to me!

But if you are ever likely to find yourself in that position - it can't hurt to have been there before... just maybe in someone else's truck? ;)

Like the irony of towing a boat through too :lol:
Me fording at Iver Buckinghamshire, fairly deep but not quite floating though;

i love water crossings! :dance:

there was such a huge rush of adrenalin when i got stuck on one of the water crossings on strata florida, in water half ay up the windscreen so 6ft deep, and the truck started floating backwards. luckily i eventually found traction and managed to get across. :twisted:

obviously water crossings can be dangerous, maybe thats what makes them fun. :think:
Oh S**T... I'm obviously getting old!
Olazz said:
Oh S**T... I'm obviously getting old!


i think that theres such a huge mix of people on here and were all into cruisers for different reasons.

i know a lot of people build and modify there trucks for overlanding, and then go on amazing trips in many different countries.

on these trips in some really remote places i imagine you dont want to do anything to jeopardize your safety, or the mechanical health of your truck. so driving through very deep water just for the hell of it is not really a good idea.

where as my truck is built and used as a toy. hence the stupidly aggressive tyres it sports most of the time, and all the dents and scars from taking it up the gnarliest most extreme lanes i can find! :thumbup: