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Helping the NHS flounder.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
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I note UK tv is showing adverts about the prescription service delivery system?

So the pretty much privatised (it won't be long) health service, is giving money to an already privatised service, adding to NHS costs and boosting shareholders rake off, well the bigger shareholders given the nod by the former chancellor.

OK, I get it helps the elderly and infirm but does it? At least when a neighbour pops in having collected their meds, they at least get to see one person a month.

And what about the Post Office theives, I know of not one but two incidents from friends how packages arrive opened, and often not at all in the last couple of months, how many more go unreported?


I wouldn’t know too much about this, I’ve never used the NHS, paid in all my life, and I’m now (as you are Dave) not allowed to use it.

It’s always been too open to abuse IMO and too wasteful. They sent the wrong drugs to my mother once, and my brother brought it to their attention and offered to take them back. No they said, just dispose of them and we’ll send the correct ones by courier.

He was livid, there was 2 months supply and they cost 50 pence per day. What was so wrong about taking them back, they were blister-packed, so quite safe to re-distribute?
I would like to see the NHS turned on it head by scrapping the excessive bureaucracy , if you need to see a doctor or a dentist why do you need an appointment ? . It's twisted logic for sure but emergency rooms cope and would likely cope a lot better if people could get professional advice on whether or not they need to go to emergency locally .

Obviously personal experience plays a part in my thinking and here (maybe everywhere ?) to get a doctors appointment you must phone the surgery at 8am and press redial until 8.10am when they stop making appointments . Sometimes they actually answer the phone , Helen's niece recently posted her phones call history on facebook - 695 calls only to be told at 8.10 to try again tomorrow . Do GP's earn a commission on missed calls ?
Ironically if you visit the surgery before say 2pm they can always have room to give you an appointment for an hour or two later ?

Maybe if patients were rated in self diagnosis it would save a lot of money spent on nonsense appointments , stress is the only thing that ever confused me , injury wise if i say i've broke a bone you can be sure i have even if paramedics and emergency staff disagree .

Same with an infected cyst on the back of my neck "here doc just slice that open and pop it out will you , i can't see it to do it myself" resulted in i don't know how many appointments , i can't remember now if it took 6 months or a year of consultants consulting consultants who hadn't talked to the last consultant which meant another consultation was needed before i ended up face down in a surgical frock with a full medical team operating on me while i was fully conscious ?

A few hours later they were happy to inform me it wasn't cancer and were somewhat embarrassed to realize that it was the very first mention of the word i had heard in relation to all this , it was an infected skin cyst :crazy:

No complaints here mind the NHS staff do an amazing and under appreciated job , what bugs me is our local GP surgery and most dentists employ more office staff than medically qualified personnel , are hospitals the same ?

I don't know how funding is calculated but i once worked on a government funded new housing estate and it was no secret that while they only had work for maybe 3 general labourer's they employed about 30 simply because they were charged to the taxpayer at maybe £20 an hour while only getting paid £3 .
I note UK tv is showing adverts about the prescription service delivery system?

So the pretty much privatised (it won't be long) health service, is giving money to an already privatised service, adding to NHS costs and boosting shareholders rake off, well the bigger shareholders given the nod by the former chancellor.

OK, I get it helps the elderly and infirm but does it? At least when a neighbour pops in having collected their meds, they at least get to see one person a month.

And what about the Post Office theives, I know of not one but two incidents from friends how packages arrive opened, and often not at all in the last couple of months, how many more go unreported?



We shouldn't worry if its privatised because if you look at things like the trains and utilities their service is incredible with all that private investment, We will all live to be 180.
In all seriousness though, it needs to be stopped before it's lost forever. the US insurance giants are circling like vultures all thanks to various politicians.
The Health and Social Care Act passed in 2012 over 70 per cent of tendered contracts have been awarded to the private sector, amounting to over £13 billion worth of NHS services falling into private hands. £1.5 billion worth of contracts have been sold-off to just 15 private companies.
Obviously those in the corridors of power have shares and investments they wish to see profit.
Don't get me started on that jumper wearing bearded little C**% who already has the trains and is now stripping the health service.
I would like to see the NHS turned on it head by scrapping the excessive bureaucracy , if you need to see a doctor or a dentist why do you need an appointment ? . It's twisted logic for sure but emergency rooms cope and would likely cope a lot better if people could get professional advice on whether or not they need to go to emergency locally .

Obviously personal experience plays a part in my thinking and here (maybe everywhere ?) to get a doctors appointment you must phone the surgery at 8am and press redial until 8.10am when they stop making appointments . Sometimes they actually answer the phone , Helen's niece recently posted her phones call history on facebook - 695 calls only to be told at 8.10 to try again tomorrow . Do GP's earn a commission on missed calls ?
Ironically if you visit the surgery before say 2pm they can always have room to give you an appointment for an hour or two later ?

Maybe if patients were rated in self diagnosis it would save a lot of money spent on nonsense appointments , stress is the only thing that ever confused me , injury wise if i say i've broke a bone you can be sure i have even if paramedics and emergency staff disagree .

Same with an infected cyst on the back of my neck "here doc just slice that open and pop it out will you , i can't see it to do it myself" resulted in i don't know how many appointments , i can't remember now if it took 6 months or a year of consultants consulting consultants who hadn't talked to the last consultant which meant another consultation was needed before i ended up face down in a surgical frock with a full medical team operating on me while i was fully conscious ?

A few hours later they were happy to inform me it wasn't cancer and were somewhat embarrassed to realize that it was the very first mention of the word i had heard in relation to all this , it was an infected skin cyst :crazy:

No complaints here mind the NHS staff do an amazing and under appreciated job , what bugs me is our local GP surgery and most dentists employ more office staff than medically qualified personnel , are hospitals the same ?

I don't know how funding is calculated but i once worked on a government funded new housing estate and it was no secret that while they only had work for maybe 3 general labourer's they employed about 30 simply because they were charged to the taxpayer at maybe £20 an hour while only getting paid £3 .
Here in France our doctor does not let you make an appointment by phone.

You do it online and can do it 24 hours per day 7 days a week. Which is great if you feel bad at 10 o'clock at night and can make an appointment for the next day.

Following that I have used this in my own business... The cost for this online addon.... 150 dollars per year....must cheaper and practical than a receptionist...
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I was recently asked if I would like to return to the UK however, the spanish health system makes the NHS laughable.....and I am truly embarassed and saddened to say that.

Unfortunately I cannot trust the NHS with my long term health issues, if i need a doctor now, or tomorrow morning it makes no difference I will be seen promptly.

The excuses that the NHS is under pressure, is because people are taking longer to die, whilst it may be a contributory factor free access to the health and benefits system attracts massive immigration.

How can the spanish system be so good, in case anyone has not noticed people are not just living longer in the UK, it's because you have to be a PAYING immigrant, not just drifting in like a leaf, landing and then suddenly morphing into a sponge!

Don't start me off!


because you have to be a PAYING immigrant, not just drifting in like a leaf, landing and then suddenly morphing into a sponge!
The myth of the health tourists is just that - a myth.When the Spanish government tried to deny undocumented immigrants health care the majority doctors and nurses refused point blank to play ball & the scheme was quietly dropped.If you've got any real evidence that immigrants are causing real problems for the health service in the UK or Spain lets see it
But still no evidence that a net increase of 300 000 is causing the problems in the NHS. The health service is being asset stripped & bled dry but not by immigrants
Most of the immigrants here& in the UK are fit , healthy young men & women who work hard to make a better life for themselves & their families.Overpaid journalist , politicians & the likes of Branson , most of whom have private health care should be the focus of our anger.
But still no evidence that a net increase of 300 000 is causing the problems in the NHS. The health service is being asset stripped & bled dry but not by immigrants
Most of the immigrants here& in the UK are fit , healthy young men & women who work hard to make a better life for themselves & their families.Overpaid journalist , politicians & the likes of Branson , most of whom have private health care should be the focus of our anger.
All I can say is that whenever I have to visit my Doctor the waiting room resembles Bombay high street
No anger here mate i dont care who anybody is if they say hello to me i will say hello back , i was just pointing out the obvious which is more people demand more resources .

I feel immigrants have shouldered the blame for EU austerity policy which basically means cuts to all the things we do need while at the same time wasting billions on crap nobody needs or wants , while at the same time forcing all those that suffer the most to buy shit that is designed to last only until they want to sell you another .

At the start of its term in 2010, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced the biggest cuts in state spending since World War II .

Savings estimated at about £83bn are to be made over four years. The plan is to cut 490,000 public sector jobs. Most Whitehall departments face budget cuts of 19% on average. The retirement age is to rise from 65 to 66 by 2020.

The budget deficit is about 10% of GDP and unemployment - officially 2.67 million (8.4%). That is its highest level since 1994.

In the 2012 budget, Chancellor George Osborne announced several measures to ease taxes - including a 5% cut to the top rate of tax and a rise in the personal income tax allowance threshold.

However, he also cut the personal income tax allowance pensioners receive, reduced child benefit and raised taxes on tobacco and other items.

Public anger over the cuts has grown. More than 250,000 people demonstrated in London in March 2011 - the city's biggest protest since the 2003 Iraq war.

Protest camps sprang up in cities across the UK towards the end of 2011, echoing similar "occupy" sit-ins around the world.

Of course Remainers will say "but national governments are responsible for that" because criticism of the EU is FORBIDDEN .

Now i do hate the BBC and typically refuse to read anything they print but the above is an extract from their 2012 story
All I can say is that whenever I have to visit my Doctor the waiting room resembles Bombay high street
Looks pretty dam good to me :)
Perhaps you should take a leaf out of Shaynes book & say hello to these people , you might find that most of them are British citizens.I'm sure you will have more in common with them rather than the millionaire newspaper owners , journalists & other spivs that keep telling us that immigrants are the cause of all our ills.
Looks pretty dam good to me :)
Perhaps you should take a leaf out of Shaynes book & say hello to these people , you might find that most of them are British citizens.I'm sure you will have more in common with them rather than the millionaire newspaper owners , journalists & other spivs that keep telling us that immigrants are the cause of all our ills.
I have tried as you suggest, talking to these people which is usually very difficult as not that many of them can speak English. I'm sure many of them are British citizens but my point is that with so many people more coming to the UK our resources are being stretched too far. Since 1955 the UK population has increased by 15.5 million and rising, this country can't cope with this sort of increase, we are now a minority in our own country. If you don't believe me google UK population.
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Ah, the first link to Wikipedia?

Below are the 60 largest foreign-born groups in the UK according to 2014 and 2015 ONS estimates.

of birth

Estimated population
2014[52] 2015[53]

United Kingdom 54,786,000 55,642,000
Poland 790,000 831,000
India 793,000 795,000
Pakistan 523,000 503,000

I'd assumed you were UK born, but if you aren't yes I see you are a tiny minority, but I think that's always been the case rather than a recent development.
I'm being dull I'm sure, but where is the bit that shows we are a minority? I suppose it depends how you define we, but I can't see anything there that breaks down into groups of people.
It was on that page if you scroll down you will see,
What percentage of London is white?

At the 2011 census London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe.

Those figures are from 2011, but I wouldn't think they've changed a great deal since then (except got larger).
I really don't have a problem with that, I'm just trying to point out the effect they have on our resources.
And yes Rob, I am UK born and bred.
I'm just trying to point out the effect they have on our resources.
So lets have some evidence.What % of NHS users are immigrants? What % of NHS resources do they consume.The logic of "we don't have the money" is the same one that instantly converts anyone who looses their job into a benefits scrounger.
Your argument of less people = more resources for white Londoners just doesn't stack up.The NHS is being ruined & asset stripped in preparation for privatisation , like the railways & other public utilities were.If every immigrant , benefits scrounger were deported tomorrow , nothing would change.Your share of any savings would be fuck all.I see this I'm simple terms , those who can't afford private health care & the rest.The children of immigrants born in the UK are British whatever the colour of their skin.