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How to get around London....

Nicely said Chris, I agree 100% with all you said, I'm not anti cyclst just anti idiot.

I find myself when driving, giving MORE room than necessary to cyclists to avoid any confrontations.

I remember an incident years ago in my first (new to me) Cruiser when I overtook a cyclist, then further along the road a parked car and because I then had to stop because of traffic and was still close to the parked car it hadn't left enough room for the cyclist to get between us so he thumped the side of my truck so I got out and thumped him,

the one and only time I have been guilty of road rage. :oops:
Well put Chris. Is it legal for cyclists to undertake? I'd have thought not. Even if it is legal, when this happens, I wonder at the double standard that it is ok for a cyclists to squeeze past a car but not the other way round ... I give cyclists a wide berth by the way.

In 1 respect it must be john. I am sure you must have seen all these cycle lanes popping up close to traffic lights. They are an improvement in some respects as they make you more aware of cycles but in most cases that I have seen, the roads have not been widened to allow the the extra 3 feet rather it has been pinched from the main traffic lane therefore IMHO creating more problems than they solve. eg. cycles complaining that you are in there lane, congestion when you have a large vehicle (Lorry, Van, 80) wanting to go any direction at the lights etc.

I cycle quite a bit, I grew up in London and lived in NYC for a couple of years so I know what its like to cycle in urban environments. I also drive large vehicles so know that the blind spots are huge and you cant always see everything. Most of cycling in urban environments is just common sense ie. NEVER NEVER NEVER be on the left on any vehicle at a junction! Anyone who moans about being hit in these circumstances needs their heads checked! BUSES AND LORRIES JUST CANT SEE YOU THERE! You also have to know when to ride aggressively and defensively ie. you are vehicle using the road and have the same rights as every other vehicle so use the entire of your lane if you have to and dont let anyone squeeze you into the edge but at the same time dont be a cock and stop faster traffic passing you when its safe to do so. Most of all though: Helmet, Hi-vis, reflectors and lights ALL THE TIME and the free wheel and decent brakes are all part of the engineering evolution of the bicycle so ffs get a bike with all of them and make sure they work and then use them at red lights like every other road user has to!

Drivers and motorcyclists: Remember it goes MIRROR, SIGNAL then manoeuvre!

Pedestrians: Green cross code.....nuff said!

And yes those couriers are dicks but dont worry they wont be around long!
Do you mean they are going to be banned? . . or killed? :think:

Did Jeremy Clarkeson get into power :pray::clap::dance: and declare that they would be "put in front of a wall and shot in front of their families.":lol:
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Did Jeremy Clarkeson get into power :pray::clap::dance: and declare that they would be "put in front of a wall and shot in front of their families.":lol:

Given the choice I would rather endure the cyclists than Jeremy Clarkson. :angry-nono:
Yeah, have to agree, I don't see a huge anti cyclist attitude here at all. It's the people such as those in the video that we are talking about. If someone actually wants to align themselves with those people and condone what they're doing as perfectly acceptable then I need a knock on the head.

Cyclists have an absolute right to be on the road. They absolutely have the right to be respected, acknowledged and be safe. But that cuts both ways. The laws governing driving apply equally to motorists and cyclists. I watch out for cyclists, but it's damn hard when they appear out of nowhere, nip through gaps that aren't there, don't have lights on their bikes or wear reflective clothes. I do wonder - seriously - how many of those 'types' in the video actually drive cars as well. I'll bet that they don't because if they did, they might just be a bit more careful. There simply is not a case for saying that those in the clip were behaving responsibly and their actions had the potential to affect others. That's not having a go at cyclists. Or fit people. Or people who look good in Lycra. Or Ecomentalists. Or people who can't afford proper transport.

Hey Chas - stop taking Clarkson so seriously - it's entertainment. And let's not forget he did have a Cruiser.

Body part donors for sure, still quite exciting to watch though! I used to to do a bit of that years ago I didn't hack it for long a dangerous occupation
Hey Chas - stop taking Clarkson so seriously - it's entertainment. And let's not forget he did have a Cruiser.

He's a smart*rse and I hate smart*rses. :icon-mad
Great vid - ANARCHY IN THE UKAAYA! That's where it ends though.

I'm a keen biker, mostly downhill mountain where the only one to get hurt is the rider.

These guys are idiots and a danger to the public and should be treated like any other crazy road user (motorist), banned or locked up.

Nothing wrong with law abiding cyclists, Copenhagen is just one great example as to how the bike and the car can live together happily-ever-after. Great tour of London though...:whistle:
any policeman on this site? - can this be used as evidence and the idiots prosecuted. I could only watch half of it first time through I got so angry!
what fools, they nearly wiped out a few pedestrians too
i do a lot of cycling, but prefer to be on remote trails in the highlands and tackling tricky terrain rather than cars and buses...., and wouldnt dream of riding like that in a town
few of them wearing skid-lids too
It was them nearly mowing down pedestrians that annoyed me really, the dodging in and out of traffic is only putting their health at risk (discounting the complications involved for any car driver that inadvertently flattens one of them) but I imagine it would hurt if you were a pedestrian hit by one of those idiots.
Wasn't there a case a few years ago where a cyclist killed a pedestrian whilst bombing down a pavement, and he got off lightly?

From here:
She cites the case of Rhiannon Bennett, who was 17 when she was killed by a speeding cyclist in 2007. The cyclist - who, the court heard, had shouted at Rhiannon to "move because I'm not stopping" - was fined £2,200 and avoided jail.
Pedestrian casualties 2001-09

  • Killed by cycles: 18
  • Seriously injured by cycles: 434
  • Killed by cars: 3,495
  • Seriously injured by cars: 46,245

Not as bad as cars but still a problem :shock:
but I imagine it would hurt if you were a pedestrian hit by one of those idiots.

My neighbour (not an old man, he's about 50) was knocked down by a cyclist on the pavement and broke his hip, he recovered but now walks with a permanent limp.
It was them nearly mowing down pedestrians that annoyed me really, the dodging in and out of traffic is only putting their health at risk (discounting the complications involved for any car driver that inadvertently flattens one of them) but I imagine it would hurt if you were a pedestrian hit by one of those idiots.

obviously knocking a pedestrian down is really bad but even if they hit a car and damage it that car owner probably ain't getting a penny because cyclist don't have insurance. I guess the car owner would have to take the cyclist to court.
obviously knocking a pedestrian down is really bad but even if they hit a car and damage it that car owner probably ain't getting a penny because cyclist don't have insurance. I guess the car owner would have to take the cyclist to court.

My bike insurance to cover third party damage & bike loss has been included within my house insurance policy.
