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Internet speed


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Phoned talktalk this morning "the only online speed test that will recognize i have connection states 0.33mb"

After 15 minutes of pointless chatter from India i said sod it while on hold i found plusnet has great customer reviews , is cheaper and i can probably swap in less time than you will keep me on the phone good bye .

I made a cuppa and re-ran the speed test which was still on my screen result 6.28mb .

Has anyone switched to plusnet ? i assume there's some down time without connection while changes are made and with a month of holidays behind me i could do without that right now .
Shayne I'm having trouble with TT at the moment. I talked to an Openreach (BT) engineer yesterday and he said all providers give a "crap" service. Some of them even share the same call centres.
and the speed is limited by BT's infrastructure for the majority, our landline broadband peaks at 2.5mb but is often 0.5mb. Yet my 4G phone will hit 50mb
Move to Hull - we have never had BT.
And my 250Mb fibre connection is quite pleasant.:)
Yes going with the BT infrastructure principal they were my first switch 10 or 15 years ago and were very good but then i figured why pay more than double the price for BT and went to AOL which were just as good .
AOL morphed into talktalk and its just got worse and worse ever since .
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I don't have any mainstream services at home so I'm looking at satellite internet , 10 GB a month for about €30
What'sthe cost of dish and hardware needed...

What's your mobile connection like goodoldboy, I would have thought a data option on your mobile phone would give you that for half the price.

Actually, the Internet services in the U.K. sound terrible compared with here, I'm getting 15GB / month for €15 and the speed is good...

That's a good speed Clive,I only get about 25 download on sky fibre.
I thought they rolled out fibre all across the UK now and speeds were meant to be good.

I remember couple years back before leaving I was on a TT plan, with a supposing 35mp speeed, but was only getting around 10mp. The problem isn't really the speed itself. It's getting it consistently. Apparently with heavy usage these companies throttle you and limit the speed sometimes. If there was a service out there that could guarantee say 5-10mp 100% of the time, that'll be plenty!

Anyway, just for reference guys, over here in America, internet service is probably 10 years behind. Only now, are some providers (such as AT&T) are rolling out fibre. I'm paying $75 for 15mp and it's heavily throttled during peak times. Sometimes loss of complete connection for half hour lengths. Customer service is worse than any UK company I've dealt with as well.
Sounds like France does that! 60€ for internet mobile and land line. Best speed we get is 1.89 mps :laughing: If someone else is on line in the hamlet, we cant watch video's :( not even you tube o_O
UK is now a 3rd world country. There's too much competition which drives prices right down and a good service can't be provided at those prices. People at the top are paid too much . We wouldn't mind if the bosses got 3 million per annum each if there was good reliable service.
TT here too, about 3.5 down and 0.34 up here in rural Wales on a good day, I think that they’re gradually putting fibre in, but it tends to be to the exchange and I get the feeling that it’ll be a while before it actually gets down here. The damp doesn’t help either, I’ve enclosed all the gubbins in a sealed box now, before that I was cleaning the socket contacts regularly and changing the filter every couple of years. Last time I spoke to TT, I was answered by someone in South Africa. I does make me smile when I see rural villages in far off places on the telly and they're chatting away on mobiles and we still can't get a signal here.
I live in SELondon.

I.e old school 5lb copper cables. Max internet speeds are ~ 4mbps. BT have us on the 2017 plan for upgrades... mobile 4g is faster for throughput but very very high latency. And the saturation point at the cell tower a pain for very long running downloads like watching a movie (specially in ares where adsl is poor, since everyone is then on the 4g)
Wiki has some interesting reading regarding BT apparently the fibre optic plans went tits up because they awarded the contract to the chinese mafia and james bond got his nickers in a twist .

Or something like that .

Test says 5.53mb today i guess it will be 4 something tomorrow .
What's your mobile connection like goodoldboy, I would have thought a data option on your mobile phone would give you that for half the price.

Actually, the Internet services in the U.K. sound terrible compared with here, I'm getting 15GB / month for €15 and the speed is good...

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I've got a mobile package for €11 a month 1.2GB & "Free" calls .calls to UK landlines cost 4c & texts 8c
I've got a mobile package Clive that gives 1.2GB & "Free" calls for €11 a month.crappy service here in Spain is legendary .a mate was charged for sending 199 texts to the same number at the same time & it was too much hassle to pursue the claim.if you don't pay the bill your number gets blocked.customer service = getting bent over a barrel & "serviced" without grease