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Is it me or is the forum grinding to a halt (in web terms)


Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
Guys, no one else seems to have said anything but the past few days the response and refresh rate of the forum, for me is glacial. Thing is, I can click a subject on here, open another window, log into e-bay, buy something pay for it, come back to the forum just as the page appears. It's ONLY this forum that is slow. Anything else I do is totally normal. It is agonisingly slow. Can't think of anything that would make it do that from my end.

Anyone else? Of course by the time this has loaded it will be tomorrow.

No problems down my part of the world, maybe the BT wires are less soggy here :icon-biggrin:
Well if it's slow I guess it has to be slow for everyone so if it's OK with you then it must just be me. Hmm, don't get that. I am streaming films, downloading, uploading, websites load in the blink of an eye. Just not this one.

Got infinity 22 meg broadband, 20Gb RAM on my machine. Latest OS yaddah yaddah and it's been sunny too.
Got infinity 22 meg broadband,
what! thats amazing! We still have wet string between posts - best we can manage is 2.4! Oh well, I guess the Frenchies will catch up when the tinternet is dead and gone!
Working fine from this side of the world. :thumbup:
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Thanks guys. Occasionally it refreshes the page in the standard time, but it can seriously take 15 to 20 seconds to respond. Any web gurus know what causes this?
It's slow for me Chris ever since they started putting adverts up. I only have 1.9 speed. This site not as slow as yours though.

It must be your security system??

try doing a traceroute. If you traceroute a fast site and this site you will probably find different routes and see where the problem is.
Don't think it's that Frank. Two reasons. It is ONLY this site. Nothing else. And secondly, I am not running any security. Not as in secondary virus protection stuff like McAffee
I've had issues with it being vay slow too Chris; but not all the time... :confusion-shrug:
Cheers Jon, errm you may just have to remind me how I do that. Clearly I now, I am just a bit rusty on the whole tasertoot thing
If you're on a Mac Chris then open up terminal and type traceroute all on one line
It shows all the hops that your request takes between your machine and the forum along with times. Try the same for another site and see if there are any major differences.
Not many problems here; running Win8 and via NBN wifi, so fibre to the box inside the house :icon-biggrin:, only 12/1 but hey it's reliable.

I do run AdBlock Plus on all my machines (Android Tablet and laptop) though, so I don't get any adverts...
Richard, did that. It took 15 hops to get here but was very slow compared to the 15 hops it took to find ebay. That took a couple of seconds whereas finding Cruiser Co took maybe 30

What does this tell me?
You should get individual times for each hop. Look for one that it's significantly higher which is the route that it's the issue.
It may be one of the machines at your ISP is playing up but could really be anywhere in the chain.
Bad news is that I'm not sure you can alter the route that the request takes. Afraid I have limited internet access here to investigate further.
There are quite a few that look much longer. So I guess it's just the route that my connection takes. Can I delete this from my favourites etc etc and re establish a new connection or something?
The route is constructed dynamically so the favourites will make no difference.

Can you post the output of the traceroute?
No, I meant if I get rid of all traces of the association to the website could I establish a new connection by going in through a google search and start all over again? Obviously I have the site on speed dial on my computer.

I missed off my IP address just because I thought I probably should do. Not because I knew I should. Which of course maybe I shouldn't. Ha ha.

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