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Some sort of noise and shudder


Jun 26, 2016
on acceleration mostly after I have gone round a corner or pulling onto a roundabout I get a really loud screeching noise and the whole truck shudders does anyone have a rough idea as what it may be the noise sounds like it's on the passenger side of the engine I was thinking power streering pump or injector pump but not to sure
No sorry I should have mentioned it's an auto 4.2 12v
Could be many factors Sam but screeching usually means brakes. Worthwhile going though all possibilities to elimate probable cause.
Hmm, might also be a failed centre viscous coupling. This could cause cornering anomalies.

Now the other thought is, because it's on cornering, you might simply have a loose wheel or a loose caliper on the brakes. Sideways stresses on an 80 are huge and if things are a bit loose, stuff moves about causing brake noise. So worth checking wheel bearing play too. Good luck there Sam.
Well screeching might not be a very good word for it il try and get a video of the noise As that might be the best was to make it understandable.
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Jack the wheels up and spin them by hand, also give them wiggle to see if anything is loose.
It's defiantly not wheels or brakes related just been driving about when the noise comes at about half throttle the truck shudders like there isn't enough fuel getting to the engine now I have recently adjusted the boost and injector pump only a little bit tho my thinking now is the injector pump is old and tired and can't cope with the extra fuel I'm trying to upload a video but I can't for some reason
As short as this was can you tell if the engine is shaking more than normally visually?
Also giving it more fuel does it shake more adjusting the cable on the engine?
Right, not that's something very different. Screeching was certainly not the word you were looking for..

New one on me Sam. Very distinctive. Have you run over a Wookie perhaps?
That doesn't sound nice sam.

It's not the turbo when boosting is it?
Broken engine mount or gearbox mount. Had the same on 2 cars. One LR from new and one Ultima from new lol.
It does seem to come in around that sort of rev range doesn't it.
Il try the boost in a mo il turn it back down iv turned the curling back to where it was I will let you no my findings in a little bit
Curling should read fuelling!
A bit more detail.....
Had a 3" exhaust fitted from the turbo back a few days ago, and it was boosting to about 9psi, fitted a new boost controller today including the tee in the waste gate pipe, (which has a non return valve in the tee), and upped the pressure to about 12 psi.
Adjusted the fuel screw about a 1/4 turn, keeping a close eye on the egt's.

When testing it made that shuddering type noise for a very short period.

Have turned the feeling back to where it was, and Sams now putting the boost back as it was, crossing fingers as he's off to Morocco at the weekend for a month!
Different engine of course but i would never have believed a simple air leak could make such an awful noise , in my case it turned out to be the crank breather pipe had split so i was sucking air between the filter and the turbo .
My hearing is crap and your vid too short for me to compare but i was convinced my turbo was about to explode . I mention this because on a very long list of possibilities pre turbo would be the last place to look .