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Where I live in Weifang


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Here are a few more pictures of where I live in China.
The city is called Weifang, and it is in Shandong province.
Weifang is quite a small city, with just 9,2 million people.
This Dongfeng Jie, and is about 10 minute walk away. Sino Mall is a shopping area, our apartment is to the right, following the river, and on the right hand side just past "Rainbow Bridge"

This is Shengli Dongjie, and the tall building on the left is a Bank of China, directly opposite is Weifang "Kite Square". Weifang is where the very first kites were made, thousands of years ago.
Quite a beautiful place with all the sunken lights in square.

This is Weifang Peoples park, and this an area inside Peoples Park. Our apartment backs onto Peoples Park.

This is Kuiwen Gate, this is the inner part of Weifang, and as most Chinese cities, had a protective wall around it, and as such, also had gates

This is another one of "Kite Square" . See the roof of the museum, is all LED, and the pictures of the kites on the roof that move like in the wind. Every evening at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm, the fountains are run for 15 minutes to music from Tchaikovsky and Johannes Brahms, etc.

That's enough for now, more tomorrow.

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Looks lovely Graham, BTW why did you move to China in the first place, apart from now having a Chinese wife or was that the start of it?
Looks lovely Graham, BTW why did you move to China in the first place, apart from now having a Chinese wife or was that the start of it?
Hi Chas,
My move to China happened through work.
I was scheduled to go to South Korea, and was really looking forward to the it.
Then at the 11th hour, I was asked to go to China, to which I was at the time, bitterly dissapointed.
However, after spending some time in China, the people and the culture, the beautiful places started to grow on me.
Then my time in China concluded, and I was off to South Korea.
That's when I suddenly realised, I just didn't like South Korea one little bit.
Actually, even though South Korea long ago belonged to China, their cultures are now quite different.
I couldn't wait for the work to end in South Korea, so I could get back to China.
The rest is history, and I enjoy every day here, and have seen more of China than many Chinese.
So the posting in China was actually a blessing in disguise.

I worked in South Korea for a short time in 1986 touring with The Royal Ballet company and I liked most of it, I think only because it was so different from the UK, for instance there was a main road running past the train station in Soeul about 10 lanes wide while some of the unpaved side roads leading onto it were like a wild west town with boards laid down so you didn't have to walk in the mud. Maybe it was improved for when they held the Olympics there. :think:

Some of the food I tried there was probably the worst I've ever had, did you ever try Kimchi? (cabbage buried in pots and eaten when it's about 6 months old) they think it is a delicacy, rotten cabbage :puke-front: yuk! also on that main road there was a collection of fast food stalls but you had to walk the length of them holding your breath, the stench was overpowering. It was an experience though, we also toured Japan on the same trip, now that was something else, one of the places I would love to go to again, very expensive though so I'll have to win the lottery first :pray:
Some of the food I tried there was probably the worst I've ever had, did you ever try Kimchi? (cabbage buried in pots and eaten when it's about 6 months old) they think it is a delicacy, rotten cabbage :puke-front: :pray:
Hi Chas, have had the kimchi a few times, to be honest, the kimchi tastes good compared to some of the other food (crap) they can serve up.
When you have been in SK for a few months, believe me I have never been so looking forward to getting back to China, than after a few months in SK.

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That's enough for now, more tomorrow.Gra.

It's very nice to get an impression of other parts of the world. I have travelled a bit - got tired of it - but haven't been that far east.
Very impressive Gra, thanks for the insight.

It would be nice to think that I could post a similar thread on Romania, but it would pale in comparison. Maybe I'll wait till your thread cools off a little! :think:
